1 min readAug 4, 2019


I don’t have the time or the resources to fully defeat this vicious piece of slander, but I can point out the most glaring point of dishonesty:

Your piece implicity insinuates that the Soviet Union and its socialist economic system actively CAUSED the famines of ’21 ’32 and ’46 while conveniently forgetting the fact that two of these (Those of ’21 and ‘46)were the result of extremely destructive WARS where foreign, capitalist powers invaded the USSR, as well as of crop failure, caused by Russia’s chronic droughts.
There was famine in other places in Europe as a result of the First World War as well, and Russia’s limited railway network, devastated by overuse during said conflict was a contributing factor.

Furthermore, there is overwhelming scholarly consensus that the famine of 32 was NOT any kind of intentional genocide of the Ukrainian people, which is a preposterous idea on the face of it, considering that the calamity affected vast portions of the USSR beyond Ukraine.

That famine was also partially caused by Kulaks’ mass culling of draught animals, and, again, poor weather conditions.

The destitution suffered by the Russian peasantry after the ruinous “aboliton of serfdom” was hideous to the point where mortality rates reach 60 per thousand annualy, more than the worst peace-time years of the gulag


for kulak sabotage

for a record on just how hideous conditions before the revolution were.

