5 min readApr 25, 2020


Well, it is common that everyone wants to achieve everything, but I’ll not say it is not possible! everything is possible! But in fact, it’s maybe very hard to make it possible. You may wanna be a perfect doctor, perfect engineer, perfect programmer, or perfect designer, whatever, etc. I will say, YES! you can be, But you can’t be everything at the same time, that's the problem with us we are confused just of multi-directional thinking. You can be the only perfect doctor or the only perfect engineer but not both at the same time. If you wanna be everything then it’s the fact that there will be no perfection and you will be messed up with bunch of thoughts and, even unable to set a goal and, you will lose satisfaction and happiness gradually.

Here I will mention, what I experienced in my life, Offcourse its so simple to set a goal. The question is how?

One thing kept in your memory before getting to know the smart way, you don’t think that profession is your whole life, but it's just a part of your life. As I stated in the beginning, You can’t be everything at the same time. You have to be specific in a particular field. Choose the best field, Ride, and trip to journey to achieve the goal, which tends you to be satisfied and happy, It will lead you to be in the list of top 10 successful people. But the question is, How to set a goal and How to be specific?

Well, Dears and nears, I am asking you one thing? what is a profession? The answer in short words is doctor, engineer, programmer or designer, etc.

Nice, have you ever thought your profession is just a maximum 6–8 hours of your whole day, and what about the remaining 16–18 hours of the day, Its fact that those remaining hours holds your actual life, Those times are your family your home. Enjoy the actual life either you are happy or sad, don't merge your professional life with your actual life just keep them separate. Enjoy! precious moments of your life, It's like you are giving importance to $100, not $1000. If you could enjoy your remaining hours then it will overcome the stress of your professional life. It's like you can buy $100 by investing $1000. Right?

Don’t miss the precious moments of your life, What if you are failed to achieve the goal? When any question arises we human every time go through the complex ways then turn back into a simple and correct way and, solved! Tadah!

Just Think! You are going to spend only 6 to 8 hours on your job. So, why you are worrying! I mean no need to take it seriously, It’s not your whole life, It's just a part of your life.

What if you are unable to achieve your goal, what if you are unable to be a doctor, engineer…. that you dreamed. You have the remaining beautiful hours, the precious times which holds your whole and actual life! Your family, Your Childs, Your home, Your social life, Your friends, Do exercise and keep your beautiful memories save and safe… It will make you satisfied with your life and lets ready to enjoy either you are failed or succeed.

Jack MA well said to his son:

Son you don’t need to be in the top three in your class, being in the middle is fine, so long as your grades aren’t too bad. Only this kind of person has enough free time to learn other skills.

Another case that is very common in us, Most of us lose their hopes when they failed to achieve their goal on the first attempt. Don’t forget 99% of successful people became successful after they went through a chain of failures and hurdles many times again and again. Right?

That’s it, failure is just a hint to move ahead more precisely.

I’ll try to explain the failure in a short story:

I remember very well when I was 7 years old and when the first time I was going to admit to school, a teacher assigned me an entry test to process further to admission, Entry test was a paper which contains some alphabets in the form of dotted format, I found few dots are near to each other in part 1 and in part 2 alphabets were written with less number of dots. I marked those alphabets very quickly and with perfection which consists of large quantities of dots near to each other. While those alphabets which were in the format of fewer quantities of dots and were very far from each other, was so complex and time consuming for me to find the accurate alphabet, By the way, I marked but not precisely, with missing of perfection with dozens of confusions. Why? because it needs much effort and more experience. So where is the easy and perfection, of course! where alphabets were written a large quantity of dots that are near to each other? Exactly!!

Those dots are, in replace to failures in our life, On each dot/level, you look forward and backward to take further action for better and perfection, Right?

As how much you are failed as much as you will experience it. Because next time you’re not gonna go through the previous step again, because you have already deal with it, you will remember it that was the failure step.

It is very important that you should give positive rewards to yourself every time, It will raise your satisfaction level. Likewise, I am failed and I shouldn’t stop here, because I have experienced this way and got a hint to go ahead and I am near to my goal. Hurrah!! That’s the ultimate way.

Remember! A person who achieves his/her goal luckily on the first attempt have not much experience as compared to the person who stuck in problems, failed failed failed…. Then achieves the goal. Because he/she suffered from failures and he/she is much stronger, powerful, and experience. Like the dots, he/she can easily and precisely predict the next step. Then step, step, step … and finally! congratulations on achieving your goal.

I will end up this writing here, with my favorite quote:

Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueler. And the day after tomorrow is beautiful.

Thanks for the read and must comment, no problem sweet/sour words. I would love to hear something instead of nothing. 😊

