Diva DAO + Community Update

Nektar Network
4 min readFeb 19, 2024

Your official rundown on all things happening at Diva Staking

Diva has a new look! Find all official Diva accounts with the new splash of purple! 🟣

Now live! Turbo divETH Vault, powered by Sommelier

A new vault has been created! Sponsored Supported by Seven Seas Capital, the DAO has voted on a new way to stake with Diva. Participants can deposit now prior to launch on Mainnet, and secure an allocation of up to 2.5 DIVA per ETH daily in the first tranche ⚡️

Vaults now available for deposit on OKX Earn

Early Stakers have more options than most when staking with Diva. Users can now also stake $stETH with OKX — offering the most effortless way to become a community member!

DVT Home Staker Program begins with EthStaker + Stakesaurus

Welcome to the 30 new Operators beginning their journey in the world of nodes, traditional validating, and DVT! Led by none other than Nixo — Executive Director of EthStaker, and Stakesaurus — Home Staking expert + Ethereum maxi.

This exciting program offers an 8-week curriculum, featuring resources designed to transform new or novice individuals into more comfortable and equipped participants in securing the blockchain. Upon successfully completing the program requirements, the cost of the node for the user will be subsidized.

🎧 Listen to the purpose and plan for the Ethereum Home Staker Program in this X Space recording — Diva Community Call #5: Home Staker Program Launch

Diva is On-board for #TeamStaking with Aragon!

In the spirit of decentalizing Ethereum Staking, we are excited about the new #TeamStaking program headed by Aragon, whose aim is to build better, together. As Diva is known as the “Layer 2 of staking,” we believe that teams who learn DVT together, build better together.

Follow along the journey in collaboration with Diva, DappNode, and Obol Labs, and read the official announcement here → https://x.com/AragonProject/status/1755986280616481269?s=20

🎧 Listen to the kickoff call hosted by Aragon → https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vOxwjPvwqdJB?s=20

Polygon zkEVM DeFi Unleashed Ramp-Up Campaign

Diva is participating in the DeFi Unleashed Ramp-Up Campaign along with many of the top DeFi projects. Participants can finish the quests for all projects in the zkEVM Defi Unleashed Ramp-Up Campaign to compete for $50,000 in rewards.

💥 Participate now on Layer3 → https://layer3.xyz/collections/zkevm-ramp-upq

Operator Alpha-5 Testnet Update — Live on Goerli testnet

The latest version of Diva Operator Testnet is now live! Update your nodes to Alpha-5 now, to ensure the best experience.

Some key updates in Alpha-5:

  • Faster, lighter client operations through concurrency.
  • Resolved client unresponsiveness for stable, extended use.
  • Efficient smart contract log fetching ensuring accurate event processing.
  • Integration with Kurtosis for advanced testing capabilities.
  • Config verification to prevent unsafe commands.
  • Improved monitoring with enhanced observability features.
  • Enhanced pool resiliency with basic aggregator rotation.

…and more!

See the full list of improvements, and follow instructions to update your nodes here → https://medium.com/@stakediva/whats-new-in-alpha-5-diva-s-latest-testnet-update-35f908e55f27

Diva featured in X Spaces

The Liquid Staking Landscape 💧📜 — XSpace hosted by Scroll

Turbo divETH Vault Launch hosted by Sommelier with RedStone Oracle and Seven Seas Capital

Diva Featured on ChainTimes with other Liquid Staking solutions

We’ll see you at ETHDenver!

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Nektar Network

Nektar Network is the most resilient and integrated multilayered restaking network. Designed to optimize Ethereum’s security model to scale various solutions.