Install Ruby with RVM on an M3 Pro Mac

Nellie McKesson
2 min readNov 8, 2023
Terminal output for a successful Ruby installation via RVM

After spending an hour or so reading through StackOverflow and GitHub issues about this, here’s a quick walkthrough of how I got RVM up and running on my M3 Pro Macbook. Of course, everyone’s system can be different and there’s no guarantee this will solve your issue, but I hope it helps!

One note: during my initial RVM installation (\curl -sSL | bash -s stable — ruby), I got a failure once it reached the step of actually installing Ruby. RVM did, in fact, get installed during this process in spite of the failed Ruby installation. If you get a similar failure after the “configuring….” step, try restarting Terminal and running rvm list to check if the RVM installation worked.

Now on to Ruby! The majority of the following solution came from the excellent advice from this comment by Github user mayur-kambariya, however it did require some small tweaks to the openssl installation. Here’s what I did:

  1. Quit Terminal. Then in Finder, go to Application → Utilities. Right click Terminal and choose Get Info, then tick the “Open using Rosetta” box.
Get Info options for the Terminal application

2. Open Terminal and uninstall Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
rm -rf /opt/homebrew/*
sudo rm -rf /opt/homebrew

3. Reinstall Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

4. Quit and restart Terminal.

5. Check that Homebrew is working as expected: brew doctor

6. Reinstall openssl *with a lower version*: brew install openssl@1.1 . You may need to know where openssl is installed for the next step — you can see where homebrew put it by running brew info openssl@1.1.

7. Just in case, I quit and restarted Terminal again.

8. Install Ruby: rvm install 2.7.7 --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1 (or whatever ruby version you’re after).

