Download PDF I Used to Like You Until…: (How Binary Thinking Divides Us) By Kat Timpf

Nell Petulia
3 min readJun 5, 2024


I Used to Like You Until…: (How Binary Thinking Divides Us) By Kat Timpf

[PDF] I Used to Like You Until...: (How Binary Thinking Divides Us) By Kat Timpf
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Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times By Todd May

Todd May’s “Should We Go Extinct?: A Philosophical Dilemma for Our Unbearable Times” is not your typical philosophical treatise. It doesn’t dwell on abstract theories or historical arguments. Instead, it dives headfirst into a question that is both deeply unsettling and strangely compelling: given the state of the world, would it be better if humanity simply ceased to exist?

May doesn’t shy away from the darkness that hangs over our times. He acknowledges the looming threats of climate change, social injustice, and political turmoil, painting a bleak picture of a species seemingly hell-bent on self-destruction. He argues that the sheer scale of suffering — both present and future — forces us to confront a question we’d rather avoid: is our continued existence ethically justifiable?

This isn’t a nihilistic rant advocating for mass suicide. Instead, May approaches the question with philosophical rigor, exploring the moral weight of our actions on future generations and the planet itself. He dissects the concept of “procreative beneficence,” questioning whether bringing children into a world burdened by such suffering is ethically sound.

The book is structured around a thought experiment: imagine a button that, if pressed, would painlessly end humanity’s existence. Would you press it? May doesn’t offer easy answers. He grapples with the profound responsibility inherent in such a decision, weighing the potential for future suffering against the inherent value of life, however flawed.

“Should We Go Extinct?” is a deeply unsettling yet strangely liberating read. It forces us to confront the uncomfortable realities of our time, challenging our assumptions about progress and the meaning of existence. May doesn’t offer solutions on a silver platter. Instead, he provides a framework for thinking about our collective future, urging us to engage in honest, even uncomfortable, conversations about the ethical implications of our actions.

I Used to Like You Until…: (How Binary Thinking Divides Us) By Kat Timpf

Kat Timpf, known for her sharp wit and libertarian leanings, tackles a pervasive issue plaguing modern discourse in her book “I Used to Like You Until…: (How Binary Thinking Divides Us).” In a world increasingly defined by stark divisions and online echo chambers, Timpf argues that our tendency towards binary thinking — seeing the world in black and white, us vs. them — is fueling polarization and hindering meaningful conversation.

Timpf’s trademark humor is on full display as she dissects the absurdity of reducing complex issues to simplistic binaries. She takes aim at the outrage culture that thrives on social media, where nuance is often sacrificed at the altar of viral outrage. With witty anecdotes and insightful observations, she demonstrates how this binary thinking prevents us from understanding different perspectives and finding common ground.

The book is a call for a return to reason and open-mindedness. Timpf encourages readers to embrace intellectual humility, acknowledging that no one has a monopoly on truth. She champions the lost art of disagreement, arguing that productive dialogue requires engaging with opposing viewpoints, even those we find disagreeable.

“I Used to Like You Until…” is a timely and important book that challenges readers to break free from the shackles of binary thinking. Timpf’s insightful analysis and humorous delivery make for an engaging and thought-provoking read, reminding us that the world is a complex and nuanced place, and that embracing this complexity is essential for fostering understanding and progress.

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