Porn and TED Talks

Nelson Marcos
2 min readOct 8, 2019


A current trend in the internet is the impact of porn addiction. Some of this impacts are: low interest on real relationships, sexual dysfunction, difficulties to get aroused and etc.

Traditional porn usually has beautiful and proportional women and men, having sex for hours. That makes our brain thinks this is the regular standard. However, most of the human bodies have a number of imperfections and/or disproportions and the average time of a sexual intercourse is around a few minutes. Then regular people and regular sex becomes boring.

Now, let's go to TED Talks.

Within a few minutes you can see the best TED Talks ever given or watch the best lectures from the best professionals in the world.

What is the impact of that?

Every class or every talk that you attend if not given by a world class speaker becomes boring.

And that (probably) is not good.

Of course every speaker should aim for a world class speech but that is not built without a lot of practice. And to practice the speaker needs to speak. To speak, usually, the speaker needs an audience. And if the audience is willing to give their time only to world class speakers, we won't have new world class speakers because we're not helping people to become one.

What should you do? I don't know. It's your life. Decide for yourself.

What am I going to do? Right now, every talk I attend I try to do my best to get out of it as much as I can. I avoid to pull my phone and to divide my attention with anything else but the talk.

Every talk has lots of opportunities: learn what works, what doesn't, practicing being bored or even being creativity and finding new ways to leave the talk with something new you can take to your life. I assume total responsibility to take from that moment as much as I can.

Let's see how that works :)

