The Art of Building Puzzles: Tips and Tricks for Success

Nelson Victor
4 min readNov 21, 2023


Puzzles have been a popular form of entertainment for centuries. From jigsaw puzzles to crossword puzzles, there is something captivating about piecing together parts to form a complete picture or solve a problem. Building puzzles, however, is an art in itself. It requires careful thought and consideration to create a challenging and enjoyable experience for the solver. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for successfully building puzzles.

1. Choose the Right Theme

The theme of a puzzle sets the tone for the entire experience. Whether it’s a landscape, a famous painting, or a collage of summer memories, the theme should be visually appealing and engaging for the solver. One great source of inspiration for puzzle themes is the summer shop. The vibrant and fun-filled summer-themed products available there can spark your creativity and help you come up with unique ideas for your puzzle.

2. Determine the Difficulty Level

Before you start building a puzzle, it is essential to decide on the intended difficulty level. Consider your target audience and their skill level. A puzzle that is too easy may not be satisfying, while a puzzle that is too challenging may discourage the solver from completing it. By assessing the complexity of the design, the number of pieces, and the level of detail, you can tailor the puzzle to the appropriate difficulty level.

3. Create Variety in Piece Shapes

The shape of puzzle pieces can greatly affect the solving experience. Too many pieces with similar shapes can make the puzzle frustrating and confusing. On the other hand, a variety of shapes can add an element of excitement and make the assembly more enjoyable. When designing your puzzle, aim for a mix of straight edges, corners, and unique shapes to keep the solver engaged.

4. Pay Attention to Color Contrasts

Colors play a significant role in the visual appeal of a puzzle. It is important to choose colors that contrast well, ensuring that the pieces stand out from one another. This contrast makes it easier for the solver to differentiate between pieces and find their proper place in the puzzle. Take advantage of the vibrant and colorful products available in the summer shop to create puzzles that captivate the solver’s attention.

5. Test, Test, and Test Again

Building a puzzle is only the first step. To ensure a successful experience for the solver, rigorous testing is essential. Assemble the puzzle multiple times and observe the solving process. Look for any areas of difficulty or confusion and make adjustments accordingly. Remember that what may seem obvious to you as the creator may not be as clear to someone solving the puzzle for the first time.

6. Include a Sense of Progression

A well-built puzzle should have a sense of progression as the solver moves along. This can be achieved by incorporating different sections or stages within the puzzle. For example, if the puzzle depicts a landscape, you could have separate sections for the sky, trees, and buildings. This sense of progression provides a feeling of accomplishment and motivates the solver to continue until the puzzle is complete.

7. Provide Visual Clues

While some may enjoy the challenge of solving a puzzle without any hints, others may appreciate visual clues to guide them. Consider adding subtle guides, such as patterns or textures, that help the solver identify where certain pieces may fit. These clues can make the puzzle more accessible to a wider range of individuals and enhance the overall solving experience.

8. Consider Packaging and Presentation

The presentation of a puzzle is just as important as the puzzle itself. Invest time and effort into designing an appealing box or package for your puzzle. This includes eye-catching graphics, clear instructions, and durable materials. The packaging should entice potential solvers and give them a glimpse of the challenge that awaits them. Furthermore, consider including a high-quality image of the completed puzzle as a reference for the solver.

9. Listen to Feedback

Once you have successfully built and packaged your puzzle, it’s time to release it into the world. Encourage feedback from those who have solved the puzzle and listen to their opinions. Pay attention to any common issues or suggestions for improvement. This feedback will help you refine your puzzle-building skills and create even better puzzles in the future.

10. Embrace Creativity

While there are certain guidelines to follow when building a puzzle, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and let your creativity shine. Experiment with different shapes, themes, and techniques to create puzzles that are truly unique and captivating. The summer shop is a fantastic place to find inspiration and unleash your creativity, as their products encompass the joy and excitement of summer.

In conclusion, building puzzles is an art that requires careful planning and consideration. By choosing the right theme, determining the difficulty level, creating variety in piece shapes, paying attention to color contrasts, and embracing creativity, you can create puzzles that are both challenging and enjoyable. Testing, providing visual clues, and considering packaging and presentation are also crucial for a successful puzzle. Don’t forget to listen to feedback and continuously improve your puzzle-building skills. So why wait? Dive into the world of puzzle-building and create your masterpiece using the tips and tricks shared in this article.

Note: This article contains affiliate links to the summer shop, a source of inspiration for puzzle themes. Purchasing products through these links may result in a commission for the author.



Nelson Victor

Aspiring astronaut. Dreaming of exploring the vastness of space. Sky is not the limit.