PHP 8.2 vs PHP 8.3: The Evolution of a Server-Side Powerhouse

Nemanja Milenkovic
4 min readFeb 5, 2024


PHP 8.2 vs PHP 8.3


PHP, a cornerstone of server-side web development, continues to evolve with each new version, bringing enhancements and features that streamline the development process and improve performance. PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3, the latest iterations, offer significant upgrades that reflect the language’s ongoing refinement. This article dives deep into the differences between PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3, highlighting the key changes and improvements that developers need to be aware of.

Deep Cloning of Readonly Properties

In PHP 8.2, the introduction of readonly properties was a game-changer, providing a more robust way to enforce immutability in objects. However, developers faced limitations when cloning objects with readonly properties, as these properties could not be reinitialized. PHP 8.3 addresses this issue by allowing readonly properties to be reinitialized during the cloning process. This enhancement not only increases flexibility but also maintains the integrity of immutability.

New #[\Override] Attribute

Method overriding is a critical feature in object-oriented programming. In PHP 8.2, developers occasionally encountered issues due to typos or changes in the parent class’s method names, leading to unintended behavior. PHP 8.3 introduces the #[\Override] attribute, which ensures that a method in a child class is overriding a method in the parent class. This addition enhances code reliability and reduces the likelihood of errors.

Dynamic Fetching of Class Constants and Enum Members

Working with class constants and Enum members in PHP 8.2 could be cumbersome, especially when dealing with variable names. PHP 8.3 simplifies this by allowing dynamic fetching of these elements, making the code more concise and readable. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where the constants or enum members are determined at runtime.

New Methods in the Random Extension

The Random extension in PHP 8.3 has been bolstered with new methods such as getBytesFromString(), getFloat(), and nextFloat(). These methods provide more options for generating random data, a common requirement in many applications. The addition of these methods demonstrates PHP’s commitment to providing robust built-in functionalities.

Garbage Collection Information Enhancements

Garbage collection is an essential aspect of managing memory in PHP. PHP 8.3 provides more detailed information about the garbage collection process, such as the status of the GC, buffer size, and time spent in various GC activities. This information is invaluable for profiling and debugging, helping developers optimize memory usage and application performance.

Lint Multiple Files at Once

In PHP 8.2, linting files was a time-consuming task, requiring each file to be processed individually. PHP 8.3 introduces the ability to lint multiple files in a single command, significantly speeding up the development workflow. This feature is particularly beneficial in larger projects where multiple files need to be checked for syntax errors.

SQLite3 Exception Handling Improvements

The SQLite3 extension in PHP 8.2 lacked specific exception handling, often leading to generic errors that were hard to debug. PHP 8.3 introduces SQLite3Exception, which provides more detailed exceptions, aligning the SQLite3 extension with the behavior of PDO and other database extensions. This improvement aids in more precise error handling and debugging.

More Specific Date/Time Exceptions

Handling date and time in PHP is crucial for many applications. In PHP 8.3, the Date/Time extension has been refined with more specific exceptions, such as DateRangeError and DateException. These new error types provide clearer insights into issues related to date and time operations, facilitating easier debugging and more accurate error handling.

Improved Semantics for the range() Function

The range() function in PHP 8.2 sometimes exhibited unclear behavior, especially with invalid values. PHP 8.3 addresses these issues by providing clearer semantics for this function. It now throws appropriate errors or warnings for invalid values, enhancing the function’s reliability and predictability.

Enhancements to array_sum() and array_product()

In PHP 8.2, array_sum() and array_product() functions had limited handling of non-numeric values, often leading to unexpected results. PHP 8.3 improves these functions by emitting warnings for non-numeric values and better handling numeric values within objects. This enhancement ensures more consistent and predictable behavior.

Assertion Behavior Deprecations

PHP 8.3 deprecates several INI settings related to assertions, such as assert.exception and assert.warning, directing developers to use the zend_assertions INI setting. This change streamlines the configuration process and aligns with PHP’s broader goals of simplification and standardization.


The evolution from PHP 8.2 to PHP 8.3 is marked by significant enhancements that streamline development, improve debugging, and offer more robust functionalities. These changes underscore PHP’s ongoing commitment to providing a powerful and efficient tool for web developers. As the language continues to evolve, we can expect further refinements that will keep PHP at the forefront of server-side programming.



Nemanja Milenkovic

Web dev expert with 20+ yrs experience. LAMP technologies maestro, adept in PHP, Laravel, Symfony...