Why PHP 8 and its Supercharged JIT Compiler Will Make Your Code Fly (Like a Bird on Red Bull)

Nemanja Milenkovic
3 min readApr 4, 2023



Have you ever watched a slow-motion scene in a movie and thought, “Wow, this is taking forever”? Well, that’s kind of what it’s like working with PHP without the new Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler in PHP 8. The good news is, those days are gone. The PHP gods have blessed us with a turbocharger for our code, and it’s time to take advantage of this gift.

Why Migrate to PHP 8? The JIT Compiler, Of Course!

“But why do I need to migrate to PHP 8?”, you may ask. Let me tell you, my friend: the JIT compiler is the answer. PHP 8’s JIT compiler is like a rocket strapped to the back of a penguin. You never knew penguins could fly until you saw one with a rocket on its back, right? That’s the magic of the JIT compiler.

Why is the JIT Compiler So Darn Important?

The JIT compiler works by compiling portions of your PHP code into machine code at runtime, transforming your code into a lean, mean, executing machine. This results in significant performance improvements, making your code run faster than ever before. It’s like drinking a triple-shot espresso while watching your favorite comedian; you’ll laugh so hard and so fast, your sides will hurt.

Taking Advantage of JIT: The Migration

Migrating to PHP 8 and taking advantage of the JIT compiler might sound intimidating, like taming a wild bull. But fear not! The process is more like training a cute, fuzzy kitten. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be on your way to PHP 8 nirvana:

  1. Check Compatibility: Ensure that your current PHP code is compatible with PHP 8. There might be some deprecated functions that need updating, or maybe some type hints that need a little TLC. The PHP Compatibility Checker is your friend here.
  2. Test Your Code: Like a superhero trying on their new super-suit for the first time, you’ll want to test out your code in its shiny new PHP 8 environment. Use a staging server or a local environment to ensure everything works as expected.
  3. Update Your Server: If everything checks out, it’s time to update your server. Be sure to backup your data, because you never know when a wild Gremlin might appear and wreak havoc on your precious files.
  4. Optimize for JIT: With PHP 8 and the JIT compiler in place, take the time to optimize your code. This could involve benchmarking, profiling, and tweaking your code to squeeze out every last drop of performance.

Conclusion: Just Do It!

There’s no reason to hold back any longer. It’s time to strap on your rocket-powered rollerblades and migrate to PHP 8. Your code will thank you, your users will thank you, and you’ll finally be able to experience the full power of PHP’s JIT compiler. So what are you waiting for? The future is now, and it’s powered by PHP 8!



Nemanja Milenkovic

Web dev expert with 20+ yrs experience. LAMP technologies maestro, adept in PHP, Laravel, Symfony...