Published inNemo.ggVayne Builds, Runes, Skills, & MoreWhen you think “bottom lane carry”, Marksman champions still pop up in your head first. When you think “Marksman champion”, you think…Jul 11, 2019Jul 11, 2019
Published inNemo.gg20 Days With Teamfight Tactics: Guides, Memes, & MoreIn less than three weeks, Teamfight Tactics has taken over the world. It got extremely popular among streamers and crushed League of…Jul 8, 2019Jul 8, 2019
Published inNemo.ggQiyana: Everything You Need to KnowQiyana’s release on June 26 went very quiet, as most players have their eyes on Teamfight Tactics. However, every new champion is a reason…Jun 26, 2019Jun 26, 2019
Published inNemo.ggTeamfight Tactics 101Less than 24 hours ago, Riot Games started a public beta of the new League of Legends product — Teamfight Tactics. The Twitch viewership…Jun 19, 2019Jun 19, 2019
Published inNemo.ggQuestions to Ask before MatchWhether playing for fun or climbing, you have to avoid burnout. External factors like unruly teammates contribute to it, but the main…Jun 14, 2019Jun 14, 2019
Published inNemo.ggSolid Strats to Play with FriendsSo you want to play some Flex with friends, but it’s hard to get on the same page for picks. And you also need to overcome the skill gap…Jun 10, 2019Jun 10, 2019
Published inNemo.ggWhat Makes Master Yi Strong in Bronze and Weak in DiamondMaster Yi’s stats are polarizing as ever: he wins 49.5% of the time in Diamond, but the Bronze win rate is 54.4%. This is the difference…Jun 7, 2019Jun 7, 2019
Published inNemo.ggHello, Rift Lovers!Hi everyone, and welcome to Medium page. Here’s what you are dying to know.Jun 4, 2019Jun 4, 2019