First-Aid Kit Design and Proposing its Placement in an Art School

Nena Salman
2 min readMar 19, 2019

Each damage fluctuates and requires an alternate treatment. Correspondence Design has assumed an essential job in the field of prescription as far back as bundling has appeared (1). The data carried on the names or the how to utilize a drug; the information designs have spared numerous lives individually (2). As part of cognizant and mindful creatures, our commitments towards advancement of social structure is compulsory.

Designing a First Aid Kit and proposing its placement in the college.

Design Brief:
What is the purpose of a first aid kit? And what should be placed in this kit? How functional should
the packaging be? How effective should the packaging be? How will the instructions be?

My Proposal:
My selected area for the placement of an emergency kit is the Puppet Theater. I selected this area because it has generally been neglected as catering to in terms of various facilities being near and functional for the people that work/visit the theater. They lacked First aid kit which was highly need when they get injuries like Deep and minor cuts.

Material Selection & Cost -
My circular design required an easily bendable material that was yet durable and cost effective.
My preferred materials included a plastic corrugated sheet or a recycled PVC pipe.
The total cost to make a kit box using a corrugated sheet was Rs. 250, however my later selected material (PVC pipe) costed nothing other than for its cutting and process, shown below.
The total amount required to make this emergency kit is Rs. 928.
Lasani sheet (for cover on top) 120/-
Screws and fixings 20/-
Gauze 70/-
Pyodine 365/-
Swaps 70/-
Scissors 70/-
Tape 109/-
Suni Plast 30/-
Cotton 34/-
Bandage 40/-

Pros were that the structure was utilitarian and advantageous, each thing was achieve capable and simple to use on spot. Cons were the structure style of illustrations utilized for Instructions and setting of a portion of the guide things was not legitimately done.

Initial PVC pipe
Top View — Opened
Top View

