Neo Frekuensi Indonesia

Neo Frekuensi: An Introduction

Neo Frekuensi
4 min readJun 6, 2022

“Neo Frekuensi comes from a belief that music is more than just a play button.”


Who doesn’t love it?

For most people, music is a companion and perhaps a remedy to their lives. They enjoy music as an art, consisting of rhythm and lyrics that portray a particular context–it could be about love, life, or anything in between.

Just like everyone, we also love and enjoy music as an art. But in our eyes, music is beyond that.

The people behind Neo Frekuensi are music enthusiasts with career backgrounds in the music industry. We have worked with multinational companies to develop and operate their music DSP products in Indonesia. By jumping into the industry, we have seen more music perspectives apart from its creative side, like music cultures, trends, data, etc. It was how we discovered that music is more than just a play button, and we believe we can do something more about it.

Through the years, we have also seen how the music industry evolves and syncs with technology, proven by facts that music mainly revolves around digitalization nowadays–take music streaming platforms as an example. According to a research by Growth Market Reports, the global music streaming subscription service market’s value is predicted to reach USD 41,152.8 million by 2028, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.8% from the market size in 2020, which was valued at $US 18,323.5 million. In Indonesia alone, more than ten music streaming platforms are already operating in the market to cater to the demand and growth of music streaming in the country.

However, as the industry thrives in Indonesia, we slowly notice a gap within it. Countless music enthusiasts like artists and musicians want to be in the music field or know more about it, yet require data-driven, in-depth insights that can help leverage their music strategy. With that, we desire to help other music enthusiasts dive deep into the industry itself, seeking why music matters, where the industry grows, how to adapt to the ever-changing trends, and further. Other than that, we also want to share our perspectives and ideas with the professionals in the music field, collected through data-based research and analysis, to sculpt a greater tomorrow for the music industry ahead. That is how, in October 2021, Neo Frekuensi begins.

With Neo Frekuensi, we aim to be the key driver in Indonesia’s music industry through music insights and data. At the same time, we are creating a fun and communicative media hub for the music community that is always on-trend, collaborative, and resourceful.

Neo Frekuensi owns five platforms–including this Medium account–to engage and facilitate music enthusiasts with valuable content. Let’s find out more about Neo Frekuensi’s channels below!

Instagram: neofrekuensi

Neo Frekuensi Instagram Account

Neo Frekuensi’s Instagram account offers music news, trends, and insights, especially about the music industry in Indonesia. There are various segments to enjoy on this platform; some of them are: “In Case You Missed It” which talks about everything about music news, “Data Insights” which projects music facts based on data, “Career Insights” which gives a sneak peek about working in the music industry, and “Artist Insights” where people can get direct tips about music from the artist.

TikTok: neofrekuensi

Similar to its Instagram, Neo Frekuensi’s TikTok account shares much about music trends and insights. In this account, the audience can also enjoy some short videos that are–obviously–related to music.

Spotify: Neo Frekuensi

Neo Frekuensi Spotify

Through Neo Frekuensi’s Spotify channel, we give the best recommendations to all music lovers through our editorial playlists. There are three playlists to enjoy: “Menuju Puncak” for recommended new releases, “Baru Mengudara” for the weekly new releases, and “Titik Tertinggi” for current top hits.

LinkedIn: Neo Frekuensi

Neo Frekuensi’s LinkedIn is a hub that connects our team with all music professionals worldwide. More than that, we will also update job vacancies in the music industry in Indonesia for all opportunity seekers.

Medium: Neo Frekuensi

Neo Frekuensi Medium

Here, we will talk a bit much beyond music-related news and deep dive into everything that lies behind it. Be prepared to understand more about our data-driven insights and ideas about music, cultures, and anything connected to it.

We all know too well that music is limitless and evergreen. Just like music, Neo Frekuensi is limitless. It goes where the industry goes and will go in the future. Together with the team, we invite you in for the ride toward a better and bigger music world.

Welcome to Neo Frekuensi.



Neo Frekuensi

New media for all music enthusiasts. Build by music-tech enthusiasts from Indonesia.