The Best Cardiologist in Noida Gives 4 Tips for a Healthy Heart!

Neo Hospital
3 min readJun 27, 2018


The best cardiologist in Noida at Neo hospital presents 4 tips or advices which you can follow to have a healthy and long lasting heart. Human heart is magnificant piece of nature’s creation. It does not take rest and provides you vitality and is the reason you are alive. It is something which you cannot compromise and you have to take care of it to have a long and healthy life.

Best Cardiologist in Noida

The cardiology department of Neo Hospital facilitates you the best cardiologist in Noida. A highly experienced team of medical professionals provides you service amidst the world class infrastructure capabilities. They have come up with 4 healthy heart tips which are-

Maintain Healthy Diet

Diet is the main component of a healthy functioning heart. Avoid junk foods and deep fried foods because they contain bad cholestrol and saturated fats. These two things can block your artries and interfere with the blood flow and cause heart attacks.

Avoid sugar as much as possible for a healthy diet. Eat healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acid rich foods. They are whole eggs, lean meats, dairy. Also, consume lot of green leafy vegetables and use complex carbohydrates rather than simple ones.

Regular Physical Activity

Keep yourself engaged in some form of physical activity day in and day out. 20–30 minutes of any form of cardio vascular activity reduces your chances of having heart problems by multi-folds. Go for brisk walk, cycling, swimming or jogging for at least 20 minutes a day. Try to include resistence treatment as well.

Keep A Track of Your BMI

Body mass index basically gives you a good approximation of your body fat composition. You can calculate it by dividing your weight (KG) by square of your height (Meters). Anything above 25 is considered to be a cause of concern. You may want to keep a regular track of it.

This will help you to monitor your body fat which directly impacts your heart. Having more fat results in blockage of heart cavities and artries. This results in poor circulation of blood and piles up pressure on heart. That’s why obese or over weight people have hard time breathing properly.

Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure

Having a healthy blood pressure means your heart is pumping blood at an efficient rate meaning it is functioning properly. The healthy blood pressure is <120/80. Always keep a tab on your blood pressure to ensure smooth functioning of your heart. Avoid junk foods and excessive sugars to maintain the optimal blood pressure at all times.

Following and tracking these 4 tips would ensure your heart stays in optimal and effective condition and you enjoy fun filled life. In case you feel any chest irritation, Nausea, dizziness, throat or jaw pain, exhaustion, excessive sweating, heartburn, and similar symptoms get an immediate appointment with the best cardiologist in Noida. Call Neo Hospital at 0120–4880000 today in case of emergency or for a consultative session on your heart condition, diagnoses and treatment.

