Bridge Protocol Community Update Summary

3 min readSep 26, 2018


Bridge Protocol is a platform that is building new tools and standards for businesses, KYC and ICOs.

Bridge Protocol kicks it off by talking about the development of the Identity Management System and then proceeds to show us a demo, “Over the past months, Chief Systems Architect Alex Guba, has been working with the engineering team to build the Bridge Identity Management System (bIMS).

The Bridge system allows users to opt-out of sharing certain information. This means; when you go to an exchange, ICO or even your favorite social media platform, you are in control of your private information.

Businesses must now comply with strict regulation on their storage of consumer information. With the Bridge Identity Management System, business is completely compliant with these strict standards.

Though its yet to have a sleek UI, we have built a system that is packed with revolutionary identity management features!

We are excited to release this first demo of the Identity Platform.”.

They then go onto explain the different features that their platform offers,

“bIMS Features and Future

The Bridge Identity Management System (bIMS) have a number of key features that not only makes it compliant, but anonymous at the users request. These key features include:

Multiple KYC Providers

KYC and AML checks will be performed seamlessly through the Bridge Platform. Multiple providers will be offered for users to pick their most trusted source of verification.

Document and Identity Verification Automation

Users will be able to establish their Bridge Passport nearly instantly for most countries of the world. Providers use high-quality document and facial recognition to add additional layers of trust to the Bridge Identity.

Fully Compliant for Consumer and Business

Utilizing some of the latest encryption and storage technologies, Bridge Protocol will offer users and business a fully compliant solution. Businesses will be able to meet strict GDPR requirements and focus on more important tasks. Bridge Passports are entirely controlled by the user, removing blind trust in data handling.

Public / Private — Anonymous User Control

Bridge Passport users will have the option to disclose their first name, last name and email address. If required, identity can still be firmly established without disclosing identifying information. Users select the data they disclose.

Lightweight Design and Interface

Emphasis will be placed on creating a seamless and easy to use interface. Users will only need to select a few easy to read options to transmit their identity.”

Bridge goes on to announce their listing onto HitBTC, “In addition to executing our roadmap goals ahead of schedule, we would like to take this time to announce that we have been contacted by the team at HitBTC Exchange in regards to trading our token earlier this year. After months of testing and integration, TOLL is officially trading on this exchange. We proceeded forward with this to further liquidity in Asian markets since our tool will work in over 250 countries! Trading pairs include TOLL/BTC, TOLL/ETH and TOLL/USDT.

HitBTC Exchange:

HitBTC is the world’s most advanced cryptocurrency exchange. Since 2013, HitBTC has been providing markets for Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Dogecoin, Monero, USDT and more than 300 cryptocurrencies in total.

Created by outstanding technical minds, high-level finance professionals and experienced traders, HitBTC is delivering the most reliable, fast and powerful platform solution on the market.

The platform has earned its reputation for fault-tolerance, flawless uptime and high availability. Its core matching engine is among the best technological products in its class, offering traders a wide range of features such as real-time clearing and cutting-edge order matching algorithms.”.

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