North American and British Kids Searching for Elite Space with Fake History , amok with Govt-induced “Holocaust and 9/11 Victim” Complex

4 min readSep 4, 2017


Julian Assange twitter screengrab

Julian Assange tweets
Capitalism+atheism+feminism = sterility = migration. EU birthrate = 1.6. Replacement = 2.1. Merkel, May, Macron, Gentiloni all childless.

Lot of arguments for and against each of the parameter have been resulting comment section. This is largely because many have a improper understanding of what means what. For example some would argue capitalism as a gathering mechanism without which reproduction cannot happen linking it with religion, morals and so on completely neglecting biology or medicine as a science, while tweet suggests men getting into act of capital and greed gathering using women as objects of feminism. Similarly if atheism can be considered opposite of religion or God itself is one big confusion while feminism will have to deal with pornography, prostitution, films and religion itself which has been exposed in recent times with India taking top spot.

The aim of this article is not to discuss why Obama-Bush-Manmohan Singh(daughters) or current May-Merkel-Modi (childless) come together as part of neoliberal plot, but about the confused fights of capitalism-atheism and feminism among the youth and their feeble understanding.

Why and when did such a large scale confusion happened that too with a educated young crowd who can use sophisticated social media to educate themselves. How did alternative looking fake opinions start taking center stage. Who are the others who they can impress and dominate.

Post war strategy
The British Kids are even now not taught about colonial history. They are still pampered to edit histories in all google optimized search query top results with most of English sites like wikipedia operating straight out of London. Incidentally London does not have a imperial museum but it has a imperial war museum! Isn’t that interesting for propagation of legacy of hatred and cowardice to state history objectively?

The American Kids are on the other hand, baited with liberalism. What is liberalism and why US have no left is already in this article. The confronting ones are told to be called Nazi — a common enemy word — who does not confirm with their ideology and finish it off there since guns and arms are freely available within legal terms. They are never told history of their enemies like Japan, China or Korea or even colonies like non-brahminical India, internet itself may be censored for propagating fake news. The next part concerns with Brahmin conformism redacting history of India with surveillance sent to masters.

Indian-American Brahmins to continue British-Indian legacy of Brahmin nation-state spying
Historically Brahmins have been the most loyal caste for British who spied the rest remaining agnostic to the ruler or the population much like European displaced groups in parts of world they scatter but difference is brahmins spy only on Indians! India brings 1/3rd of world population to English world for surveillance. Without servile and corrupt India, English World has no foundation wealth, dominance or the following.
Today the legacy continues: Google under Tamil Brahmin Sundar Pichai is used to censor , Microsoft under Telugu Brahmin Satya Nadella is used to store biometrics managed by CIA , GCHQ , NSA, FBI and other allied intelligence centers for all colonies while the Infosys under Konkan Brahmin Nandan Nilekani will gather the biometrics to feed and train the intelligence. Interestingly all three are CEOs/heads at the same time in the decade with zero interaction outside corporate and government fed media.
Incidentally they all disappeared silently without a word in public media with whatever they leaked for whatever favors from US once right to privacy filed by a non-brahmin was granted by Supreme Court of India which can be read here.

Probability of repeating history
With these foundations the same pre-1945 slavic third world order propagated in undeveloped countries who were denied their history but those who favor this liberalism of US/UK can only use their language English in public space. The deportation and questions asked at airports using border and immigration control have now propagated onto social media and corporate circles for even social interaction and employment, with twitter asking passports for blue ticks and companies needing social media logins for employment!
Intelligence has turned into surveillance and CIA / FBI etc have propagated and played the same victim complex of 9/11 as it played during world war holocaust dragging it immensely using Obama, neglecting every other atrocities or history around the world which has the most disturbed and poor population taking worst of the onslaught repeatedly facing mute holocaust multiple times !
What this means is the extreme polarized behavior of kids of US and UK will be propagated to migrant and third world populations. They will fight over the terms capitalism , atheism and feminism giving them new definitions to defend themselves pathetically. While the submissive brahmins help them to achieve their own nepotistic goals.
How they interact with rest of the world donning the migration department’s surveillance activities with the same racist tendency with loyalist communities like brahmins, will always have the same causation probability of repeating the history and more importantly erasing it for its next generation.

