MLM Party Plan Software | Party MLM Plan


How monoline mlm plan works — If an independent distributor can learn how to duplicate and teach others to do the same, one can achieve great success. There is nothing easier than building a job in two branches! Anyone who, on your recommendation (registered on your code number), purchases the company’s product becomes your direct member (Level 1). When your direct member finds his direct member (who register on their code number) then he begins to build his own network. This direct member is at the same time the indirect member of your network (level 2). When a member from your 2nd level finds his direct member and begins to build his network, then his direct member becomes indirect member of your network (3rd level).



Neo MLM Software

A binary MLM plan is defined as a compensation plan for each distributor that has two legs (left and right) or subtrees. Subtrees are construct a binary tree.