Needing the toilet during a run

Neo Mohapi
2 min readAug 28, 2018


“Oh my goodness, I don’t think I will make it to the finish line with this full bladder. Why is this happening now anyway? I mean… I did go to the bathroom before. I checked that all is well and that I won’t be faced with such a problem when the time for the race came. Look now! It’s like I’m lying- I’m in desperate need of the loo. I could always just do the business on myself, it will probably dry up during my run, right? Goodness, but what if it doesn’t. Imagine what I will look and feel like. An entire pee stain mixed with sweat, how disastrous.

Can you imagine what my photos would look like as well. I will definitely be remembered as that pee stain and stench girl.” Sometimes these thoughts play in my head and I’m really unashamed about them because whether you’re a runner or not, we all use the toilet folks.

Now I’m not really one to be striked by the need to pee during a run, however mother nature doesn’t really let you keep to your plans at times, no matter how well calculated they might be. It has happened, not so often, that during a run I need to stop somewhere for a pee. Holding onto it will not solve anything, it will make matters worse which will just lead to an unpleasant run.

I’ve come across and scan read a few articles which talk about people who are regular victims to the call of mother nature- striking right in the middle of a half marathon, during a hectic time in their runs. I say difficult because this could just mess up with your plans and pace.

What these articles highlight is the many ways in which different things can trigger different people. It could just be slight medical reasons, nerves, food or fluids. No matter the reason, this is something many runners can relate to. Randomly needing the toilet in the middle of your run.

And whether you like it or not, when mother nature calls, you’ll just have to humble yourself and respond to the call.

