Tutorial: How to Create ChatGPT API Python Web App — Personalised AI Chatbot Assistant with a Twist…

Michael King
6 min readMar 13, 2023

Are you interested in creating your very own AI chatbot assistant but don’t know where to begin? Well, you’re in luck because I’m here to show you how! In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a ChatGPT API Python web app that will not only assist you with personalised responses but also add a twist of creativity to make it stand out.

And this twist will make this chatbot assistant truly personal, allowing it to interact with your website’s visitors in a unique and engaging way. If you’re interested in learning more about how to create your personalised AI chatbot assistant, keep reading- It’s going to be a fun ride.

For our ChatGPT AI chatbot, we will be using Python and the Flask module. Flask is a micro web framework written in Python that allows us to quickly and easily build web applications. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it perfect for the development of small to medium-sized projects. Flask also provides a wide array of built-in tools and functionalities that aid in creating efficient and responsive web applications.

With Flask, we can easily define our API endpoints, handle requests and responses, and integrate with other libraries and tools. So, let’s use Flask to build our amazing ChatGPT AI chatbot!



Michael King

💫DevOps Pro & AI Junkie🤖 5X Awarded Writer 🏆 🤖🖼️🎨📚📖 👉 Midjourney AI: Automation Bot (with Privacy Mode)! ⬇️ https://kingmichael.gumroad.com/l/ewuso