SCP Item #: SCP-2133


Photo by Robin Schreiner on Unsplash

Item #: SCP-2133

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2133 is currently uncontainable due to its nature as a reality overlay. However, efforts are being made to monitor, study, and mitigate the effects of SCP-2133 on our world. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-12 (“Dreamcatchers”) has been assigned to identify and track individuals who have the ability to access SCP-2133. These individuals, referred to as “Denizens,” are to be closely monitored and, if necessary, brought in for questioning and debriefing.

Description: SCP-2133, codenamed “Elriel,” is a parallel reality that completely overlays our own. While undetectable to the general population, a select few individuals possess the ability to access and interact with Elriel. These individuals, known as Denizens, are chosen seemingly at random, and the process by which they gain this ability is currently unknown.

Elriel is a realm that defies conventional laws of physics and reality. It is a bizarre and ever-shifting landscape, filled with surreal landscapes, otherworldly creatures, and inexplicable phenomena. Denizens report experiencing intense sensory disorientation and visual hallucinations while within Elriel, making it difficult to discern what is real and what is illusion.

One notable aspect of Elriel is the presence of a prominent structure known as Fimion, which serves as a central hub within the realm. Fimion is a towering edifice of unknown origin, seemingly composed of a crystalline substance that shimmers and changes color. It is believed to hold significant importance to the functioning of Elriel, although its exact purpose remains a subject of speculation.

Within Elriel, there exists a region known as Kancorum, which bears resemblance to the mythical Shivering Isles. Kancorum is a chaotic and volatile domain, characterized by constantly shifting landscapes, unpredictable weather patterns, and the presence of bizarre and dangerous creatures. Denizens who venture into Kancorum report experiencing heightened levels of anxiety, as well as encountering entities known as the 2133. The 2133 are enigmatic beings that exhibit reality-bending abilities, capable of manipulating the fabric of Elriel to their whim.

It is worth mentioning the presence of an enigmatic entity referred to as the “Blue Buddha” within Elriel. The Blue Buddha is an ethereal being, often described as a serene blue figure seated in a meditative pose. It is believed to possess immense knowledge and wisdom regarding the nature of Elriel, and Denizens who encounter it often report receiving cryptic messages and guidance.

Despite the surreal and unpredictable nature of Elriel, there have been reports of Denizens being able to bring back objects or artifacts from their journeys. These objects are often imbued with anomalous properties and have been of great interest to the Foundation for further research and containment.

Addendum 2133-1: Research into Elriel and the nature of Denizens is ongoing, with the primary focus being the identification and recruitment of individuals with the ability to access the realm. Efforts are also being made to establish a means of communication with Denizens and gather more information about Elriel, its inhabitants, and its possible connection to our reality.

Addendum 2133-2: Due to the unpredictable and potentially dangerous nature of Elriel and its denizens, all interactions and expeditions within Elriel are to be approved by Site Director Level personnel. Strict protocols and safety measures are to be followed to ensure the well-being of personnel involved.

Addendum 2133-3: Investigation into the origins and purpose of Elriel is ongoing. Theories range from it being a manifestation of a collective human consciousness to an interdimensional anomaly. Extensive research, experimentation, and analysis are required to unravel the mysteries surrounding this reality overlay.

This document is Level 4 Classified and is to be accessed only by personnel with the appropriate clearance. Unauthorized access will result in disciplinary action, including possible amnestic treatment.



Aeon Flex, Elriel Assoc. 2133 [HIDDEN LAYER MEDIA]

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