Taking TATS OFF… THE Immune System Way!

Dr. Padmavathi
3 min readMar 26, 2018

Tattoos are for life; this is the statement we have heard from many people. But those opting for tattoo removal treatment know the fact that tattoos can be removed in some sessions. If you are looking for tattoo removal treatment in Hyderabad then you are at the right place as the city has renowned dermatologists who perform tattoo removal therapies.

The tattoo is stamped on the skin inner layer which makes it difficult to remove. A study conducted by the French scientists has directly hinted that the tattoo ink remains intact as the macrophages nip up the ink cells. As the macrophages are an integral part of the immune system, therefore, targeting these cells can be an enduring solution for tattoo removal.

What happens when you get inked!!!!

Earlier it was believed that the permanent tattoo stays permanently because the ink pigments the underneath fibroblasts as well as the cells that are synthesizing the collagen.

Tattoo Removal Treatment

But the latest research conducted in the Immunology Center of Marseille-Luminy have stated some unique facts. According to new research, when a person gets a permanent tattoo the ink is injected into the body where the macrophages eat the injected ink molecules. With the progression of time, the macrophages die (on completing lifespan in years) and release the ink pigment which is further consumed by other macrophages molecules. Therefore the ink stays and this study was conducted and proved by Sandrine Henri, a researcher from Immunology Center.

The Equipment:

Laser technique is the primary and most important method adapted to date for removal of tattoo ink. As stated by research the tattoo inks are large molecules hence they are not identified by the macromolecules. Which makes them stay there forever in the skin. Lasers work by targeting the inks and breaking them into smaller molecules so that they can be identified by the immune system and removed out of the intact space. The treatment of tattoo removal by laser involves information’s like tattoo color, the volume of tattoo ink, skin type, depth of tattoo and the place of placement of the tattoo.

Revolutionary Research with the immune system and its future prospects in tattoo removal

The researchers have created a completely new perspective about the tattoo removal treatment. The dermatologists might look into the technique of working it out with the immune system approach. Using the immune system pathway for tattoo removal will be revolutionary as it will be less painful. Purposely targeting the immune cells and killing them will speed up the entire laser process and the tattoo removal treatment might not take multiple sessions.

The researcher Henry has quoted that with her first revolutionary research they are headed to work with dermatologists. They have planned on working with the immune cells where a set of genetic information will be delivered to these cells for speedy tattoo removal. Her work is focused on halting the skin macrophages roles for a while so that a speedy tattoo removal treatment can occur. So that the laser breaks down the ink molecules will not be reabsorbed by the neighboring macrophages hence a complete removal of the pigment can happen in one session as well. This process will direct the ink pigments directly into the lymphatic drain and they can’t travel back from this body drain system.

