Beginner Guide for NeoWorld — From Registration to Free Status

10 min readJul 31, 2019


This beginner guide is a simple walk-through for new players to get through the trail period.

By now, you should have registered an account with NeoWorld. If not, you can register one using an invitation link from any existing player. You can simply ask for one in the telegram group at if you don’t know any.

  • Download the “PC mini client” from
  • Unzip and run the .exe file “NEOWorldLoader.exe”, the mini client will update to the latest version of the game. After that, you can locate the NeoWorld.exe file on your PC and run it to start the game. Sometime it may cause error during loading if you start the game using loader file instead of NeoWorld.exe file.
  • Use the account registered to login the game.
(If the language is not English, you can change it at the login interface, from the dropdown memu in the upper left corner.)
  • Once you are connected to the game, you can see an avatar standing in a 3-D virtual world. There is a short video talking about the background of the game and some basic things like how to move around in the game. In summary, it is as follow. You can use “A S D W” on the keyboard for “left / right / forward / backward” movements, “SPACE key” for jumping. “Q” for “Zoom out”, “E” for “Zoom in”; and “Alt + Enter” to enter/exit full screen mode. You can also Hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse horizontally to rotate FOV (focus of view). Scroll mouse wheel to adjust zoom ratio. Left click of the mouse will lead the avatar to move the selected location.
Newbie Town
  • What can you do in the virtual world then? Generally there is no story line or pre-set quest to be completed in this kind of game. Players are free to create their own things in the game. To get new comers to familiarize the game, we create some in-game guides for the new players. Click “Status” on the top side of the screen, an “Account Status” screen will be shown.
Account Status
  • There are 3 stages/phases of trial account. Phase 1, you can work in newbie town only, and could earn up to 2,000 NASH. For phase 2, you can’t work in newbie town anymore. However, you can work/research at buildings of other players to earn up to 23,000 NASH. For phase 3, you need to buy a work permit to upgrade to FREE status to unlock all features. During the trial status period, player can only have daily transactions of up to 200 NASH in total with other players.
  • Work in Newbie town: the place you spawn in the game for the first time is the Newbie Town. There are business buildings with blockchain project/media/exchange logos on them. Click on these buildings, a pop up link will show detail of the “work” related to this building. You can gain 10 NASH from this job, at the cost of 1 Energy Value, and 5 Happiness point. These attributions are shown at the top left corner of the screen, the deck of coin with N on it is the amount of NASH you have in NeoWorld. The bar with heart shape shows your happiness point. The green bar below shows your Energy Value.
Work at Newbie Town
  • You can easily walk around the Newbie Town and earn 300 NASH every day during the trail stage 1. You may be wondering how you can recover Energy Value and Happiness Point. Walk around, you can find a residential area like the below.
Dream Apartment Community, Everyone get his/her apartment for free
  • There is an apartment for every player for free in the virtual world. You just need to click “Check Apartment” to create a home for yourself. Then you can “Check” to view the house information and change the settings to make it open to public or keep it private. Of course, you can “Get In” to enter your own house.
  • You can use the “Relax” function (the heart shape icon) to recover 50 happiness points. “Sleep” function (the pill shape icon) to recover 30 Energy Value (Happiness point need to be above 800 to fully recover Energy value). You can return to the main world by clicking “Exit” at the bottom right corner. With the additional 30 Energy value, you can “work” 30 more times to get another 300 NASH.
  • Other ways to recover happiness point and Energy value: The buildings at Newbie Town required > 800 happiness point to “Work” there, as the job type is “挑战自我” (Challenging). You can go to the land just beside the Newbie Town to “Take Rest” (Will show up at the middle of the top part if that piece of land has such feature). It will restore 30 happiness points. However, it can only be used once every day.
  • There are other means to recover happiness point too. Click “Like” at other player’s land to gain 10 happiness points; Drink Purple Bull to restore 50 happiness points; Make a wish at wonders to restore 200 happiness points; visit Rare buildings (Teahouse/B&B — 50 points, Club/Aquarium — 100 points, Hotel/Theatre — 200 points) to restore happiness points.
  • To restore Energy Value, other than rest at your house, you can do it by visiting tourist attractions to recover 5 Energy Value, or making a wish at wonder to recover 50% of the Max. Energy Value.
  • Find Rare Buildings: Click the “Land” icon at the bottom of the screen. A pop up screen list out all the wonders, Rare Buildings on the continent. You can teleport to the location you selected to visit such buildings. It will cost you a small amount of NASH to use Teleport function. The cost is proportionate with the distance. Generally, there are rare buildings near wonders. You can check out the status of the rare buildings by selecting that tab. For example, (253,228) is not far away from the Newbie Town and there are rare buildings there with “Available” status. I can teleport there at a cost of 0.78 NASH.
  • Click on the Rare Building, move close to the building so that you can use restore happiness points with some cost of NASH. Do take note of the cost of NASH, you may want to avoid using those building cost too much NASH / Happiness point.
  • There are some tourist buildings, e.g. white house, around this area too. You can visit such places to gain extra 5 energy values per visit, 3 visits every day. After that you can go back to nearest Newbie Town (250,250) to use your remaining Energy value for “work”.
  • After using up all the energy value, you have worked 75 times, earned 750 NASH. After all the cost you still have about 700 NASH. For the following days in trail stage 1, you can have 30 + 5 x 3 = 45 Energy value for “work”, yield 450 NASH income a day. You shall be able to pass Trail Stage 1 on the 4th day.
  • Workaholic Skill, give you extra Energy Value (精力值): You shall upgrade the Workaholic skill once you have 1,000 NASH. That can be accessed by click the “skill” button at the bottom. You can spend 1,000 NASH for 1 SP (Skill Point). Then use the 1 skill point to “Learn” workaholic skill. As you work in the game, your total proficiency increases. You can upgrade your workaholic skill level for free with the increasing total proficiency.
  • KYC: Same as any blockchain project, NeoWorld need to have kyc of all our players, as our in-game utility token NASH can be traded between holders and through exchanges.
  • Log into your account
  • Go to “kyc” tab under “Security” to figure out the requirement for kyc
  • Send an email to with photos of your passport / ID card with your portrait and signature page. Please remember to let us know your registered account number (mobile phone or email) in the same email. Please also provide your real name as per the document. Our kyc team will review your documents and get your account verified if everything looks fine. This normally takes 1–2 business days. V2 verification is good enough for more cases. We only require users to go through V3 verification if we found suspicious in-game activities by the specific user.
  • Once you pass the kyc, you can “work” at Newbie town till you get up to 2,000 NASH. After that, you can work at other player’s building. Take note, the NASH reward /work is less than what you get at Newbie Town. Try to find high level buildings to get higher NASH rewards. Generally you can find such buildings near wonders and rare buildings.
  • There are different JoyTypes of Job that require different happiness point to “work” for it. You may want to plan the sequence of work to fully utilize your happiness points.
  • Once you have 20,000 NASH in your in-game account, you can click “Status” -> click “Upgrade” at the account status page. After that, your account status becomes free. If you want to upgrade your account faster, you can deposit some NASH into your account to do that.
  • Interact with other players — At the bottom left section, there are communication channels to talk to other players. You can also click on the player’s name in the communication channel to “跟随(Move to his/her location)” — teleport to the player’s current location, some Tokens need to be spent for the teleporting; “Follow” — same as follow function in twitter; “举报(Report)” — Report unethical activity of the player.
  • When you “work” at other player’s building, you get token rewards, at the same time, the building owner also get some “Assist BV”, which increases his/her shares of token rewards from the mining pool in the same day. An advertisement will be shown for about 10 sec. These advertisement slots can be monetized. In the future, an advertisement market place can be implemented so players can choose the advertisement he / she want to be shown for his / her buildings.
  • Buy your own Land and Start Building your empire in NeoWorld: Click the “Map” at the bottom right section.
  • Map of land plots of the continent, where the player is, will be shown. When a continent is newly open, the land parcels will be open for bidding. After that, players can buy the un-claimed lands or the plots on sale. The price will be shown when you click on the land parcel you want to buy.
  • After buying your plot, you can click “My Plot” to show all the Plots you own. You can also teleport to your plot for free. Once you are on your own land, it’s time to build your plot by clicking the “Building” button at the bottom.
  • By drag and drop building models, you can build your plots. You can design the layout the way you like. Of course, we may also consider the cost and return factors of different buildings. E.g. build resource factories to harvest resource yourself or go to “material exchange” to buy resources from other players. There are different strategies to plan your buildings wisely. You can refer to the game manual for details and think about ways to get better return with the resource you have.
  • To go to the NeoLand / EOSLand / ONTLand / IOSTLand, you can go to (200,200) plot. A transfer platform will Holy Grail is the place to transfer to NeoLand. Move to the platform, then click “前往(Transfer)” to go to NeoLand.
  • In NeoLand (or other islands), the game mechanism behind is similar to the main continents NeoWorld. The only differences are that the currency used is NEO instead of NASH, graphic themes and the zoning setting.
  • Refer to detailed manual for more information when you want to know more.




NeoWorld is a multiplayer online virtual world that runs on blockchain.