Brushing Technique: 3 most useful technique

5 min readMar 30, 2023


Brushing and flossing your teeth is essential for preventing gum disease. Refusing to brush one’s teeth for several days can result in gum disease. Brushing removes plaque, which is the primary cause of tooth decay and gum disease

FIG1 Brushing Technique

Importance of Brushing

It also prevents the formation of plaque. Good brushing techniques can help to fight against gingivitis, dental caries, periodontitis, etc. kind of disease.

With all of the refined and processed foods that we are exposed to in our contemporary society, and let’s face it, most processed foods these days have some sugar in them, so brushing your teeth becomes important.

Sugar in processed foods is acidic, and this begins to erode your teeth’s dentin. The amount of sugar consumed is not as important as the frequency with which it is consumed. Brushing your teeth is important for a variety of reasons, one of which is to neutralize the acid produced by sugar consumption. Let’s go over those reasons, and you’ll understand why brushing your teeth is so important.

Brushing on a routine basis removes tooth stains, which can be unsightly. Toothpaste is slightly abrasive, and this, along with brushing, removes tooth stains. Brushing your teeth will help you to maintain fresh breath. We're all aware of the impact of bad breath, especially if you work in a job where you have to interact with people all the time. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day for at least 2 minutes each time is recommended. Brush your teeth thoroughly, keeping the brush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth. Brushing your tongue will also help you have fresh breath.

Must read Gingivitis: 5 Amazing Natural Treatments

Types of Brushing Technique

We will go over four different, yet commonly used, methods for brushing your teeth more effectively.

  • Stillman’s Brushing Technique
  • Brushing Method for Bass (Sulcular)
  • Brushing Method for Bass (Sulcular)

Stillman’s Brushing Method:

The bristles are held at a 45° angle toward the gum line. Half of the bristles should be on the gum line, and the other half should be on the tooth surface. Plaque is removed from above the gum line using short, light horizontal movements.

Brushing method for Bass (sulcular):

Brushing thoroughly around and under the gum line, where bacteria and plaque tend to accumulate, is essential in preventing and controlling gum disease. This method is beneficial for people who have periodontitis. The toothbrush bristles reach under the gums to scrub off plaque before it hardens into tartar and causes gum disease in the Bass method of brushing: Hold the toothbrush parallel to your teeth, bristles facing the gums.

Tilt the brush at a 45-degree angle and gently move the bristles under the gumline. Wiggle or vibrate the brush back and forth or use a small circular motion 15 to 20 times before moving on to the next area, using firm but gentle pressure and keeping the bristles under the gum tissue.

Charter method:

If you have gaps between your teeth, exposed root surfaces, or have had periodontal surgery or gum recession, your dentist may advise you to brush using the Charter method. This method is also useful for people who have orthodontic appliances or fixed partial dentures.
Position the bristles at a 45-degree angle on the gum line, pointing toward the chewing surface or crown of the tooth. This is the inverse of the Bass and Still man technique.
Use short circular strokes or small back-and-forth motions to gently vibrate the brush for 15 to 20 counts before repositioning it to the next area.

Modifications to Technique Although this may appear to be a daunting task, there are modified versions of the Bass, Stillman, and Charter techniques. Simply follow the basic technique of your preferred method, but after brushing an area, roll or sweep the bristles toward the chewing surfaces. This action cleans the entire tooth surface and removes debris stuck between the teeth. The sweeping motion also helps to protect the sulcus (the space between teeth and gums).

What if brushing is not done daily?

Problems that may arise as a result of not brushing Your mouth can be the starting point for a variety of health issues that go beyond a toothache or cavity. The following are some of the major risks for your teeth and the rest of your body — if you don’t brush your teeth.

Using an effective brushing technique is a step forward, but to do a good job on any task, you must have the right tools. Replace your toothbrush every eight to twelve weeks. Brushes that are worn or frayed do not clean well, and older brushes can harbor bacteria.

Regular use of fluoride toothpaste helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent decay, and floss at least once a day to clean areas where your toothbrush cannot reach. Getting a grip on dental disease is simple: simply wrap your hand around a toothbrush. So, if you want to try one of these tooth brushing techniques but aren’t sure which one to try, consult your dentist or dental hygienist.

Dental cavities:

Brushing and caring for your teeth help to remove plaque, which is often invisible to the naked eye. Plaque is a sticky film that coats the teeth and contains bacteria that can penetrate the protective enamel and attack the more vulnerable layers beneath. Cavities result from this. Cavities, if left untreated, can cause dental infections and, in extreme cases, tooth loss.


Plaque can do more than just cause cavities in the teeth; it can also weaken the gums and cause gingivitis, a type of gum disease. Plaque bacteria cause gum inflammation and irritation. The gums become puffy and prone to bleeding.


Gingivitis is a precondition to periodontitis, just as plaque is to cavities. This is a severe bone infection that affects the bones that hold your teeth in place. As a result, periodontitis is the most common cause of tooth loss.

What is the proper brushing method?

Brushing properly entails moving the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes. Brush the teeth’s outer surfaces, inner surfaces, and chewing surfaces. Adjust the brush’s vertical position and make several up-and-down strokes to clean the inside surface areas of the front teeth.

What are the four steps to properly brushing your teeth?

Brushing Your Teeth in Four Easy Steps Properly Choose the Proper Brush. Think again if you think that large, the hard-bristled toothbrush you got from your last dentist is the right fit for you. Choose the Correct Toothpaste… Move Correctly… Keep Brushing … Finally, Floss.

What is the best way to teach a child to brush their teeth?

Begin brushing your teeth at a young age. Brush With Them and Make It Fun. Let Them Choose Their Toothpaste and Toothbrush. Acknowledge Their Brushing Skills. Select the Right Dentist.

How can I whiten my teeth?

Maintain Regular Dental Cleanings. Tartar, also known as calculus, can cause your teeth to appear yellowish. Be Wary of Stain-Inducing Drinks. Stop smoking… Maintain Good Dental Hygiene. Whitening Toothpaste should be used. Consume Natural Teeth-Whitening Foods. … Use mouthwash. Brush your teeth.

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