What is Nepal famous for?

Sabbatical Explore Nepal
6 min readSep 15, 2023


8 Reasons Why Nepal is Famous

Nepal, a landlocked country, sandwiched between India and China, has been a popular tourist destination recently. It has been a top bucket list item for many travelers, mainly adventure, nature, and culture lovers.

If it’s not on your bucket list or you do not know a thing about Nepal, one question would surely pop up in your head: What is Nepal famous for? Why people are so eager to visit Nepal?

Well, there are many reasons. Many come to Nepal for the mountains, either to watch or climb them. You also might have read somewhere about Mt Everest, the world’s highest mountain. It is in the country. A lot of tourists come to experience the ultimate peak by trekking or climbing.

Trust us, that is just one reason. There are more.

We have mentioned eight reasons Nepal is famous for below for you. You will love them.

For Mountains and More Mountains

Photo by Rohan Reddy on Unsplash

As mentioned in the intro, many travelers hop onto planes to Nepal for mountains. If you love mountains, you should also. Why? Well, Mount Everest is there along with seven other eight-thousanders(8000m+). Altogether, there are more than 1310 mountains(over 6000m+) in Nepal. Notice: there is no count of mountains below 6000m. In a sentence, Nepal is the ultimate place to be for mountains. Come to see them, climb them, and embrace them. You’ll love them like us!

For Buddha, Lumbini, and Peace

Photo by ashok acharya on Unsplash

After Everest, Nepal is famous for Buddha, Lumbini, and Peace. Siddhartha Gautama, more popularly known as Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, and the peace preacher, was born in Lumbini, a part of the plainlands of Nepal. The Maya Devi Temple- the exact birthplace of Buddha and the vicinity, which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, received over 1.5 million voyagers from the world in 2019. People come to find peace and tranquility and the place does not disappoint them. If you are also in pursuit of peace, this should be your next visit. The place may solace you.

For Ancient and Artistic Pagoda Temples

Photo by Michael Romanov on Unsplash

Do you believe in time-traveling? Let’s tell you, you could actually do that in Nepal. How? Well, you have to visit one of these Pagoda-styled temples. Kathmandu Durbar Square, Patan Durbar Square, and Bhaktapur Durbar Square are the places for that. You could find many more in Nepal. When you visit one of these sites, you travel back to the ancient times of Nepal. The artistic and unmatched temples resemble the old times. You could remain tipsy in the art and time. When are coming to Nepal to head back in time?

For Exciting and Thrilling Trekking Trails

Photo by Puru Timalsena on Unsplash

Like it is for mountaineering, Nepal is an apex destination for trekking. The trails of Nepal are the best in terms of adventure and nature. From electrifying rivers, and serene woods, to tall peaks, trekking in Nepal is one of the best adventures you could ask for. Every year, during Autumn(which is ongoing) and Spring(March-May), trails of Nepal are flooded by trekkers. Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, and Langtang Valley Trek are the popular ones. If you also want to do trekking, we can take you through. Just notify us.

For Momos, For Diverse Nepali Cuisine

Nepal is famous for Momos, Newari Cuisine, Dal Bhat, Dhindo, and many other tasty things. Khalid Al Ameri, a popular YouTuber with over 2.5 million subscribers, came to Nepal just to taste the tasty Nepali Cuisine. Clearly, Nepal has some potential in Gastronomic Tourism. Land in Nepal, have tea, momos, and others just like Khalid had. You’ll love Momos and Dal Bhat for sure.

For One Horned Rhino, For Bengal Tiger, and For Diverse Wildlife

Photo by Kedar Bhusal on Unsplash

Chitwan National Park is a promising place for wildlife experiences in Nepal. The major watch of the park, One Horned Rhino, wanders both inside the park and outside the park. Recently, a video of a rhino entering an ATM in Chitwan went viral.

Alongside, you also have good chances of sighting extremely rare Bengal Tiger in the park. Plus, there are many other exciting things to do in the park like bird watching, canoe riding, jungle walking, etc. Nature lovers around the world come here to Chitwan just for these wild experiences. When are you?

For Organic and Handmade Products

Photo by Sören Eichhorst & Henning Richter on Unsplash

The streets of Thamel and Pokhara are dotted with shops that sell handmade products. From Singing Bowls, Thangka Paintings, Hemp Bags, Mala Beads, and Cashmere Textiles to Mala Beads, you will find many good things to buy. Likewise, recently, Nepal has become famous for Mad Honey, a honey from the mountains of Nepal. You can also try tea and coffee produced in Nepal. The unique geography makes everything enticing here, including products. When are you coming here to buy some of these?

For Diversity, For Culture, For Spirituality and For Festivals

Photo by Pritush Munankarmi on Unsplash

As Nepalese sing “Sayaun Thunga Phulka”, which translates as “Made of Hundreds of Flowers, in their national song, Nepal is such a diverse country, with 125 distinct ethnicities They speak different languages, follow different religions, and celebrate different festivals. Yet, they share everything like brothers and sisters. The unity of the diverse people of Nepal a great to explore.

Likewise, festivals like Dashain and Tihar, Shivaratri, Teej, Chhat, Buddha Purnima, Mani Rimdu, and Eid are celebrated nationwide. Places like Pashupatinath Temple, Boudhanath Stupa, Lumbini, and Namo Buddha are best for spiritual experience. You can experience spirituality from different angles due to the diversity. Altogether, you gain a memorable experience in Nepal. Travelers often come to experience it. Make sure you also come soon!

At Last

Nepal is a beautiful part of the world. Like other countries, there are various specific reasons why you should visit Nepal. We hope, we answered your question about what is Nepal popular for. We did our best to explain!

Thank you for reading!

Like every week, we will meet the next Friday!

Have a good weekend!

If you want to travel around Nepal, India, Bhutan, Tibet, don’t look further than us. Sabbatical Explore Nepal(We) is a passionate team that organizes trekking, tour, peak climbing, sabbatical breaks, volunteering, and internships around these places. We make travel safe, fun and meaningful! Reach us right now!



Sabbatical Explore Nepal

We are a leading tour and trekking operator located in the Himalayas of Nepal. We love to take people on tours and adventurers around Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet.