Know about the four common causes of kidney damage.

3 min readDec 6, 2022


The final stage of chronic kidney disease is kidney failure, which is often referred to as end-stage renal disease (ESRD). If you have renal failure, your kidneys have ceased functioning, making it challenging for you to live without dialysis or a kidney transplant. The body may become overburdened with fluids, hazardous wastes, and electrolytes when chronic renal illness reaches a severe degree.

Treating the underlying cause is the main focus of treatment for chronic renal disease. Without a kidney donation or artificial filtering, the chronic renal disease can advance to kidney failure, which is fatal. Kidney Specialist Doctor in Agra can help in curing the condition. The following are the true causes of kidney damage:


The most frequent reason for renal failure is this. Diabetes causes damage to the body’s tiny blood vessels. Since the kidneys’ main job is to cleanse the body, they are unable to do so if your blood vessels are damaged. The result is weight gain and ankle inflammation because the body stores more salt and water than it should. This further causes the development of waste products in circulation and the accumulation of proteins in the urine. Additionally, diabetes has the potential to harm the body’s nerves. The bladder may become difficult to empty as a result. The pressure that builds up from a full bladder might damage the kidneys. In addition, protracted urine retention in the bladder might promote the growth of germs, which can result in infections.


For optimal health, the circulatory system and kidneys must work together. The nephrons that filter the blood do not receive nutrients and oxygen when the blood arteries are damaged. The rise in blood pressure is the second most common cause of renal failure for precisely this reason. Uncontrolled high blood pressure over time can narrow, weaken, or stiffen the arteries that surround the kidneys. The renal tissue cannot receive adequate blood from these clogged arteries.

Renal Polycystic Disease

One of the reasons for kidney failure is the genetic kidney ailment polycystic kidney disease (PKD). In this illness, the kidneys develop fluid-filled cysts that impair renal function and ultimately result in kidney failure. People who have this condition may also have side effects including the development of liver cysts. In addition to being inherited, PKD less frequently manifests in individuals with other severe renal issues.

Nephrotic Interstitial

It is a severe kidney condition where the spaces between the renal tubules inflame, making it difficult for the kidneys to operate. Acute or chronic interstitial nephritis both have the potential to worsen over time. Your kidneys’ primary duties are to filter the blood and remove waste from your body. The kidney tubules produce substances in the urine that shouldn’t be present in excretion while also reabsorbing water and essential organic components from your kidney filtrate. Top Kidney Specialist in Agra will help the patients in the treatment.

