The stress of finding a new Minecraft seed

Dan Hastings
3 min readMar 1, 2019


Everybody who has spent some time in survival mode can relate to the difficulty of starting a new game. We have all been there, you spend an hour roaming aroud the world. You can go a few thousand blocks in any direction and you can’t seem to find anything interesting, you have found an incredibly bland world seed.

Maybe the interesting things are below the surface? At this stage, do you really want to take the risk? Yea, there might be some diamonds, but what’s the fun in this when the world above the surface is terrible. There are plenty of resources to help you find the best Minecraft seeds but that sort of takes the fun out of it too. The real joy comes from the discovery.

The method I have often gone for will be to load the seed up in creative mode. I will quickly fly around the area and see if there is anything interesting in the near area. If there are some temples, villages and other landmarks in the area then I can be happy that there will be more further out. But this brings us back to the same problem as before, the exploration aspect is sort of ruined.

Seeds with charted locations

Knowing the coordinates or at least the general location of the landmarks does take the fun out of the discovery as there is no surprise anymore. So what is the solution to this problem? How can you start a new world in Minecraft without the risk of the world being terrible?

Well the first answer is to make sure you are playing the latest version of the game. The developer have been improving the seed generation engine, which is often why older seeds stop working. The goal is to make sure that all seeds have something worthwhile and we are less likely to find the edge cases where the seeds are terrible or amazing.

One method that I have discovered solves all problems. It keeps the excitement and enjoyment of playing a new seed but also gives you the guarantee that you will find something that is worthwhile inside.

The process is simple, select one of the seeds from the seed index and find the most popular one on the website, or at least make sure that it is one that a lot of people have approve of. Do not look at the contents. If possible, do not even read the title. The category will give you enough of a clue what you are getting. If enough people liked the seed, you can be happy that it is probably a good seed. Just make sure to leave some feedback on the seed once you have gotten around to exploring most of it.

Whatever you decide to go for, make sure to keep tabs of the best Minecraft seeds and share them with the community, the more seeds the better. Happy mining!

