OpenCV Course — Lesson 10: Real-World Applications

Machine Learning in Plain English
2 min readMay 21, 2023


Face Recognition and Tracking

Imagine you’re at a party and your friend asks you to find someone named Bob whom you’ve never met before. What would you do? You would probably ask your friend for some descriptive details about Bob — his hair color, height, any distinctive features, and so forth. Once you have this information, you can start scanning the room, looking for someone who matches this description.

This is essentially what face recognition and tracking in computer vision does, albeit in a far more complex and mathematical way. It learns distinctive features of a face from a bunch of images (this is your friend describing Bob to you), and then it uses these learned features to identify and track the face in a video or an image (this is you scanning the room trying to find Bob). The great thing about face recognition is that it can be used in a variety of applications, from security systems to tagging your friends on social media.

Gesture Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction

Now, let’s say you’re trying to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language, but you both know sign language. You make a specific gesture, and the other person understands what you mean. Gesture recognition in computer vision is very similar to this scenario.

In essence, a camera is used to capture the motion of your hand or body, and computer vision techniques are applied to interpret these gestures. It’s a bit like having a visual interpreter that converts your movements into commands for a computer. This technique is being used in gaming, virtual reality, and even in controlling devices just by waving your hand!

Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics

Finally, imagine you’re in a self-driving car. As you relax and enjoy the ride, the car has to make sense of the world around it. It needs to recognize other cars, pedestrians, traffic lights, and much more.

In order to do this, the car uses computer vision techniques to interpret the live feed from its cameras (and often other sensor data, too). It can detect objects, classify them (is it a car, a pedestrian, or a bicycle?), and estimate their position and movement. It’s like having a super-alert and super-accurate driver that continuously makes sense of the world in real-time.

Each of these application areas represents a vast field of study within computer vision, and there are many fascinating problems still to be solved. But with OpenCV and the skills you’re learning, you’ll be well equipped to make meaningful contributions in these fields.

