How programmers improve their productivity

3 min readApr 30, 2022

Being productive is an important thing for any person. We all want to be as productive as we can both in our businesses and in our personal lives. There are many distractions nowadays, including WiFi, and easy access to entertainment like Netflix and YouTube. We spend our looking at our computer screens and sometimes forget that we need to get things done. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the productivity issue and offer some tips on how to regain productivity.

Which factors reduce productivity

Before we start discussing tips to improve productivity, we need to understand factors that may reduce our productivity at work, at home or anywhere.

  • Lack of sleep
  • Distractions
  • Cluttered Environment
  • Bad Health
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Bad Routines
  • Weak Mentality
  • Bad Workplace Ergonomics
  • Technology

Now how can each of those factors be addressed and solved? Well, you guess that right, do the opposite. For clarity, let’s start with bad workplace ergonomics.

Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace ergonomics is the art of designing your workplace. Your table, chair, keyboard, monitors and computer. All that affects your productivity. Back pains because of the chair, eyesores because your chair is far from your monitors e.t.c are all manifestations of bad workplace ergonomics. Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to ergonomics. Know what’s best for you and try to set that up so that you are comfortable with your environment.

Technology, IDEs, Tools

The set of tools you use tells a lot about your productivity. For programmers and developers, the most important thing is the IDE that you use to write your code. There are many IDEs out there, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, PyCharm, Atom, Netbeans, Android Studio and many more. Each of those IDEs has its own advantages and each depends on which programming language you’re using. If it’s python PyCharm and VS Code can do it, If you just want a generic IDE for web development then VS Code is the best you can get. You can install extensions for almost all popular web dev languages, javascript, typescript, python, node js, HTML, and CSS. If it’s android, kotlin development then the android studio is the best. Choosing the wrong IDE for programming can affect your productivity.


The way you start and end your day is a very important factor in your productivity. Some people are more productive when they plan their next day, and wake up the next day prepared for what they should be doing. So as a developer I things it’s best if you start studying effective routines.

Employee Satisfaction & Mentality

This comes directly from your workplace, your bosses and how you think of the company you’re employed at. Working in an environment where greatness is cherished, appreciated and compensated. Where you have a sense of belonging and feel like a piece in the puzzle is great for your productivity.

While your work satisfaction depends also greatly on your bosses and how the company is set up, your mentality also plays an important role. Are you a competitive person, do you accept challenges, do you work hard, do you have intrinsic motivation and most importantly, do you have a deep sense of purpose. Before you blame anyone for anything, I think it is great if look inside yourself and reflect on things you’re doing poorly.


Your environment is important. The room you do your work in, your neighbours etc. All affect your productivity. However, the effects of an environment also depend on an individual. Some prefer a nosy one, some will be better with a quiet one. So strive to find an environment that works for you.

Originally published at on April 30, 2022.

