Anushka Sharma
4 min readJul 11, 2023

5 reasons why life is worth living!!

Let's find out!!!


Life, the enigmatic journey that each of us embarks upon, poses profound questions about its inherent value and purpose. Throughout history, philosophers, poets, and thinkers have contemplated the profound question: Is life worth living? This existential query has no definitive answer, as its interpretation and significance vary for every individual. By examining the complexities and intricacies of human existence, we can explore the factors that contribute to the worthiness of life and the subjective nature of this inquiry.


Intrinsic and Extrinsic Value

Life possesses an inherent value that stems from the mere act of existence itself. The remarkable complexity and diversity found in the world, from the delicate balance of ecosystems to the extraordinary potential of human consciousness, inspire awe and wonder. Our existence allows us to experience a range of emotions, establish meaningful connections, and engage in the pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery. These intrinsic aspects contribute to the argument that life is worth living.

Individual Perspectives and Personal Fulfillment:

The perception of life's worthiness varies greatly among individuals. The pursuit of personal happiness, contentment, and fulfillment plays a significant role in determining one's answer to this question. For some, life's worth lies in the accumulation of wealth, success in their chosen field, or the pursuit of artistic endeavors. Others find purpose in nurturing relationships, helping others, or contributing to their communities. Each person's unique perspective shapes their understanding of life's worth and provides meaning in their individual journey.

Resilience and Growth:

The inherent struggles and challenges that life presents often test our resilience and capacity to grow. Adversity can be seen as an opportunity for personal development and self-improvement. The triumph over hardships, the resilience to persevere, and the lessons learned through adversity can contribute to an individual’s sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Life’s worth can be found in the resilience and personal growth that emerge from navigating through its trials and tribulations.

Interconnectedness and Shared Experiences:

As social beings, our lives are intrinsically linked to the lives of others. Our connections with family, friends, and society create a web of shared experiences and collective memories. The ability to love, support, and be supported by others enhances the richness of our existence. In these relationships, we find solace, companionship, and a sense of belonging, all of which contribute to life’s worth. The interconnectedness of our lives emphasizes the significance of collective experiences and reminds us of the value of our existence.

Pursuit of Knowledge and Discovery:

Humanity’s insatiable curiosity has driven us to seek knowledge, explore the mysteries of the universe, and uncover the wonders of our own existence. The pursuit of knowledge provides intellectual stimulation, expands our understanding of the world, and fosters personal growth. The joy of discovery, the satisfaction of unraveling complex concepts, and the appreciation of the vastness of human potential contribute to the argument that life is worth living.


The question of whether life is worth living encompasses deeply personal and philosophical dimensions. While there is no universal answer, the intrinsic value of existence, the pursuit of personal fulfillment, the resilience to overcome challenges, the interconnectedness with others, and the quest for knowledge and discovery all provide compelling arguments for the worthiness of life. It is through these lenses that individuals can find meaning, purpose, and a resounding affirmation of life's inherent value. Ultimately, it is up to each person to explore their own experiences, reflect on their beliefs, and determine for themselves the answer to this profound question.