HYIP What Is It? A Real Risk!

Nerdurum Consultancy
4 min readSep 15, 2021


Hyip, or High Yield Investment Program, is a program that will generate a high return on investment at the cost of a high risk of losing pretty much everything.

To start with: Be always very cautious in investing in HYIP and a good advice is to never invest more than you can afford to lose. You should always think that your invested capital can be gone at anytime and even the online website that you are working with can be eventually shut down and everything will be disappear.

High-yield investment programs are unregistered investments that lure investors by promising yields of more than 100% a year. HYIP is run by unlicensed individuals and is often compared with the Ponzi scheme.

Back to the concept:
HYIPs use websites to offer extremely high daily, weekly, or monthly rates of return. A HYIP website will have little information about the company’s location, management, or how it invests funds it receives. HYIPs boast about passive income, secure online accounts, and exclusive investment products or savings accounts.

Of course, you’ve heard that Internet has a great opportunity for earning money by online investments. You can find there a great amount of projects, which allow you to multiply your deposits in a short time.

High Yield Investment Programs (HYIPs) utilize a lot of strategizing in order to yield the high interest rates that were promised to the investors. The money is placed on various investments such as capital management, metal trading, sport exchange, sport betting, online business, and forex trading.

The fact is that today there is a large number of spare capital investment opportunities. You can deposit your money in many online platform and earn profits in easy way but with very very high risk level; some of them are very strong and powerful in the market meantime hundreds are already blacklisted and scamers.

HYIP Investment is one of the most easy and effective ways of getting high (or even extremely high) income while just working on computer at home for only a few hours a day.

So, hundreds of HYIP platforms are running, big part of them are scams but many other platforms are working in a right way, consistent, reliable and they are showing a good reputation.
The trick is obviously to manage to find which ones on the net are real hyip programs that are managed by true talented traders that can succeed on a long run. And also to never invest all your money in only one place. In that way, you lower the risk as much as possible.

A hyip program works usually like this: Lots of investors put a minimum amount in the program to be traded generally in Forex Trading and/or other others ways of producing a high return on investment. The administrators of the program trade the total or a part of the amount each day and generate a certain profit from which they keep a certain rate in profit for themselves. The rest of the profit is either reinvested to be traded again the next day with the initial amount invested or withdraw by the investors. This profit is usually around 1%/day So it is a win-win situation for everybody involved.

That is the theory.

In practice, there are three basic strategies of investing in HYIP (High Yield Investment Program):

1. The first strategy operates on the principle of “all at once” and is the most popular among inexperienced investors. Beginners usually try to invest large sums of money, often taking someone’s desired amount. They hope that by doing so they will be able to quickly, within a couple of months to get a good percentage of on deposit and withdraw it. But such a scenario development of successful passes are not always. However, many, receive a percentage of the contribution of the first, then invest money into HYIP again, that may end up very sad.

2. The second strategy of investing in HYIPs is much more moderate. Those who follow it to her, investing in HYIP certain amount of money is usually not very large, that is, the one which is not a pity to part with a bad script development. Such investors largely operate exclusively with their money and do not resort to borrowing. Once the money is invested, the investor is just waiting to profit. Once HYIP starts to pay interest, the money is derived, and the remainder is invested in the same HYIP that allows you to get an additional percentage. This strategy is quite reliable and successful in terms of profit.

3. The following strategies can be attributed to the most classic and conservative. It is suitable for those who are not accustomed to risk a lot of money. Its principle lies in the fact that the investor, investing in HYIP some money, just waiting for the payment of the deposit as a whole. And then we think is beneficial if he will invest the money again or it is necessary to completely withdraw capital.

Finally, we repeat: Please be aware of all scam platforms when they are attempting to steal money; their social media and videos are playing a huge role to attract new investors; but you can be partially safe if you follow a trusted, reliable and expert HYIP monitor and review websites and blogs.
Nerdrum is here to help and advise; stay connected with us before any investment and remember never invest more than you can afford to lose.



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