WhatsApp Re-Design — UI/UX Case Study

Nerissa Arviana
7 min readMay 29, 2023


WhatsApp Re-Design — UI/UX Case Study


Hello! My name is Nerissa Arviana Sukmananda, a UI/UX enthusiast. I’m currently participating in UI/UX Product Design held by Zenius. I hope this article can describe my team and I have worked on process when solving a problem in an application. Hope you enjoy this!


WhatsApp — Logo

About WhatsApp

WhatsApp is an application for sending text, voice messages, making voice and video calls, sharing pictures, documents and other media. More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. Currently, WhatsApp has around 5 billion downloads on the Google Play Store with approximately 172 million reviews which is quite a lot compared to similar apps.


WhatsApp is a widely used messaging application. However, there is a decrease in rating due to user difficulties in using some of the features. Users have difficulty pinning messages that cannot be more than 3 messages. Then the user also has to search for messages manually or enter keywords. Lastly, users find it difficult to copy important messages from WhatsApp to other notes apps. With these issues in mind, my focus has been on improving the user experience of WhatsApp by redesigning its user interface and incorporating new features.


Based on the problems above, the following is the purpose of redesigning the WhatsApp, including:

  • Knowing the user’s needs in using Whatsapp
  • Understand the behavior of users who have difficulty in
    using WhatsApp
  • Knowing the comfort that the user wants in
    using WhatsApp

Role in the team

During the WhatsApp redesign process, I collaborated with 4 other team members, namely:

  1. Asif Mahardhika Ramadan
  2. Lisa Agustina
  3. Siti Latifah
  4. Putri Zalsabila.K

In creating design solutions, we have the same responsibilities as UX researchers such as:

  • Doing user research,
  • Generating solution concepts, and
  • Perform usability testing,

However, I am responsible for UI Design work such as creating user flows, wireframes, user interface (high-fidelity design), and prototyping. Previously, all the team members did their own UI Design work, but in the end it was my design that was selected.

Design Process

In this project we use the Design Thinking approach to solve existing problems. Using this method can help us understand well about user needs. The following are the steps taken in the design thinking process:

Design Thinking — Redesign WhatsApp


This initial process is the stage for finding problems with WhatsApp. Here are the target users of WhatsApp:

  • Active users of the WhatsApp application
  • 16–40 years old
  • Active online on WhatsApp with more than 4 hours a day
  • Often use WhatsApp to send messages

Explore and understand the user experience when using WhatsApp. In addition, to collect data related to constraints or problems experienced by users when using the WhatsApp application. The type of data collected is qualitative data obtained through online surveys with respondents.

User Persona

User Persona — Redesign WhatsApp


The next stage in the define stage is that I make observations by making affinity diagram and user journey maps to look for opportunities that can be applied to the product.

Affinity Diagram

The insights obtained from the results above are represented using an affinity diagram. Using the affinity diagram technique can help us discover embedded thought patterns by sorting and grouping information.

Affinity Diagram — Redesign WhatsApp
Affinity Diagram — Redesign WhatsApp

User Journey Maps

After getting some information from before, the next step is to create a user journey map model. The user journey map is a visualization of the process that the user goes through in reaching the destination.

User Journey Maps — Redesign WhatsApp

Defining the Problems

Based on the results of the analysis using affinity diagrams and user journey maps, 3 main problems faced by users were found. The 3 main problems are:

  1. User have difficulty pinning messages due to more than 3 unpinnable chats.
  2. User have difficulty finding messages according to the date of the message, so they have to search manually or scroll it.
  3. Users feel uncomfortable and make it difficult to save notes in chat rooms.


At this stage I create user flows, information architecture and wireframes.

User Flow

I created a user flow to describe the journey a user must complete when searching for messages by date, creating a new note, and using pin chat.

User Flow — Redesign WhatsApp

Information Architecture (IA)

After I created the user flow, the next step was to create an information architecture to make the flow clearer.

Information Architecture — Redesign WhatsApp


I started to create wireframe process from low fidelity to high fidelity design. I visualize concepts into wireframes with low accuracy. Low-fidelity is a layout that can assist designers in presenting information in an interface.

Wireframe — Redesign WhatsApp

Design System

Before developing it into a UI design, I first decided on colors, typography, iconography, and made important components such as buttons and cards with their respective variants. The design system will continue to evolve along with the user interface design process.

Design System — Redesign WhatsApp
Design System — Redesign WhatsApp
Design System — Redesign WhatsApp

High Fidelity

Here’s a High-fidelity I’ve created based on a previous wireframe.

High Fidelity — Redesign WhatsApp


At this stage we implement the ideas that have been made into a more interactive interface. This aims to find out how the product can run according to the expected flow. See the prototype below:


At this stage we carried out Usability Testing with 5 respondents. We use in-depth interviews to explore how user feedback can be more in-depth. This UT was carried out to evaluate the new design of searching messages by date, making notes, and unlimited pin chats.


Participants — Redesign WhatsApp

Overall Evaluation

Overall, users feel that the newly added features are quite convenient and useful, it’s just that more adaptation is needed for the application.

Overall Evaluation — Redesign WhatsApp

Design Feedback

Design Feedback — Redesign WhatsApp
Design Feedback — Redesign WhatsApp
Design Feedback — Redesign WhatsApp

According to the test results above, I have to make some improvements. However, due to time constraints, improvements will be made at a later time.


In the process of working on this project, it can be concluded that:

  1. All participants often use the WhatsApp application every day to send messages, make calls, and send files.
  2. Reasons to use WhatsApp compared to other applications such as telegram and Twitter. Because on WhatsApp the features are more diverse and according to needs and easy to access.
  3. There are users who say that the message search feature according to date is less important because people usually forget the date they chatted automatically.
  4. There is one user who does not understand the intent and purpose of the line button at the bottom when making notes.
  5. The average participant said that all the features developed from scenarios 1–3 were all very important and necessary for the user.
  6. On average, all participants gave a score for each scenario, namely a rate of 6–7.


So that’s the end of this project. The writing and design solutions in this application are far from perfect. During this research process, I learned a lot from users. Thanks to the team for working together.

To the readers, I also want to thank you for reading my article. Hopefully this can benefit everyone. I’m very open to any feedback.

Thank You!

Nerissa Arviana Sukmananda ❤



Nerissa Arviana

Hello! I’m Nerissa, a UI/UX enthusiast that is currently studying Software Engeneering at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.