How homework is contributing to social detachment at Nepal

Ram Chandra Poudel
2 min readJun 29, 2024


In Nepal, traditional teaching methods have often emphasized rote memorization and textbook-based learning. Homework assignments have been used as a way to reinforce what is taught in the classroom and provide additional practice for students.

The education system in Nepal places a strong emphasis on academic performance and exam results. Homework is often seen as a tool to help students prepare for exams and achieve better grades.

Parents in Nepal often have high expectations for their children’s academic success. They may view homework as a way for their children to excel in their studies and gain admission to competitive educational institutions.

Homework can contribute to social detachment in a several ways

Time Consumption

Homework can be very time-consuming, leaving students with less time to engage in social activities or build relationships with their peers. This can lead to feelings of isolation and detachment from social circles.

Stress and Anxiety

The pressure to complete homework assignments on time and to a high standard can cause stress and anxiety in students. This can make them less likely to participate in social activities and more withdrawn from their peers.

Individual Focus

Homework often requires individual effort and focus, which can lead to students spending long periods of time alone working on assignments. This can result in a lack of social interaction and a detachment from the social aspect of learning.

Parental Involvement

In some cases, homework may require significant parental involvement, which can limit the time students have for socializing with their peers. This can create a sense of detachment from their peers and social activities.

Impact on Mental Health

Excessive homework can also have a negative impact on students’ mental health, leading to feelings of burnout, exhaustion, and detachment from social interactions.

While homework is important for reinforcing learning and developing study habits, it is essential for educators and parents to strike a balance to ensure that students have time to engage in social activities and maintain healthy relationships with their peers.

