iOS Interview Prep 8— View and Layout

4 min readMay 17, 2023

The purpose of this interview preparation series is to assist you in quickly refining your interview skills and thoroughly preparing for the typical questions asked during an iOS interview. If you find it useful, please leave a comment or tap the like button.


UIView is a fundamental component iOS development, and it plays a crucial role in everyday tasks. It It the building block for creating all The common visual elements. UIView provides a foundation for creating custom views and controls. It is a versatile and powerful class that developers leverage extensively to build engaging and interactive apps.

Interview Questions

  1. What is the role of the UIView’s frame and bounds property?
  2. What is the difference between frame and bounds?
  3. Explain the concept of view hierarchy in iOS
  4. What is The difference betwen layoutSubviews, setNeedsLayout, layoutIfNeeded?
  5. What is the difference between UIView and CALayer?
  6. Explain the concept of view reuse in UITableView and how it improves performance

Quick Recap: UIView vs CALayer

UIView And CALayer are both essential components In iOS development for creating and manipulating visual elements.

  • UIView is like a blank canvas where you can add buttons, images and other UI elements. CALayer is…




Ex-Meta with 10+ years of experience in iOS Development 