iOS Interview Prep 9— App performance

5 min readMay 25, 2023

Welcome to my iOS Interview Preparation Series, where I’m sharing a decade of insider experience from both small startups and FAANG companies. These curated personal notes are distilled from numerous interview preparations, offering you a comprehensive view of iOS interviews. I’ve played the interviewee and interviewer roles, so you’re getting the full picture. If you find these tips valuable, don’t forget to drop a comment or tap that like button 🚀🌟

Interview Questions

  1. How can you optimize table view and collection view scrolling performance in iOS?
  2. What techniques can be employed to improve image loading and caching in iOS applications?
  3. Explain the concept of lazy loading and how it can improve performance in iOS.
  4. How can you optimize app launch time and reduce startup latency in iOS?
  5. How can you reduce the size of your iOS app bundle to improve performance and reduce download times?


Understanding app performance is essential for iOS interviews as it demonstrates your ability to build fast and performant apps. Knowing how to improve app performance shows that you understand the ios ecosystem well. Bad performance directly affects how users perceive and interact with an app.




Ex-Meta with 10+ years of experience in iOS Development 