Nerox: meet the team

3 min readMar 23, 2023


Dreamers, nerds & firm blockchain believers.

You already know a bit about what we do — our team’s on a mission to provide software solutions that enable confident crypto investment decisions. Time to get to know the people behind Nerox.

4 Founding Fathers

Christian — the megabrain. Go-lingual. He also doesn’t understand people who don’t need at least 3 screens when working. He started with university, but his reactive mind was bored with theory and wanted to achieve something great in practice. A smart head is great, but 4 smart heads founded Nerox.

Dominik — the doctor a.k.a. supercomputer. His morning routine is White Paper & Coffee. Passionate for research, he never stops learning (and teaching others). He is precise with numbers, very serious, but also a real darling. Dominik is responsible for the finances and personnel of the company.

Michael — the creative frontend developer and the connoisseur of tokenized arts. Always has bold new ideas. Some of them visit him when he skates. Michi likes programming, works on his own NFT collection of skateboard videos #ashoveitaday, and plays an important role in our marketing team.

Christoph — the organisational genius. In addition to his frontend responsibilities, he also manages the company’s projects and events. He has this magical ability to solve problems regardless of their type. In his free time, he’s the proud owner of Charlie The Dog.

Charlie The Dog

The Rest of Us

Michael Gombocz — Backend Dev and our Master of Coins. Has almost fully explored the crypto rabbit hole. Michi is our walking crypto encyclopedia and probably has more coins in his head than others have heard of.

Markus Gombocz — our safest firewall. Nobody knows what he’s doing in the server room, but all systems and internal processes run smoothly 99.999% of the time. His favourite word combo is “open source”. (Has different parents than Michi :)

Michael Wahlhütter — our full-stack yogi. His workplace is on the gymnastics mat — that’s where he works best. Probably the only person who diligently codes in “downward facing dog” pose.

Ksenia Koller It’s weird to write about myself in the third person :) I am responsible for PR & Marketing in our team. Also for annoying the guys with “we need to attend more networking events” or “do you all have time to answer my 100th survey for our project?”. Aaand for the clouds & pastel colours I’m the one to blame.

Alexander Aigner — Data Scientist and our statistical virtuoso. Strives to extract the deepest secrets from data and molds them into understandable form. Determines if and how we need to improve our strategies. Statistically speaking, he knows the author of every quote.

Alexander Hirschmann — also known as ‘Hirschi’. He is part of our HR team with a legal background. Hirschi ensures our brilliant ideas are also legally feasible. His other priority is to make all employees feel comfortable (not just by scheduling salary transfers, but also by providing healthy snacks & co).

Together #weareNerox! Make sure to follow our socials for that crypto wisdom & don’t hesitate to reach out if your business is in need of some blockchainization or awesome software solutions.




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