Life A Journey

1 min readSep 24, 2020


Life is but a journey; mortals are the travelers.

Days and nights pass on; multiple for some but scarcely for others.

Yet all being a part of the same nycthemeron.

Days are joyful and positive; nights may not be as much or at all.

Notwithstanding but acknowledging, they shall pass for overmorrow to blossom.

Arbours, shelters and boarding houses occasionally seen;

Built for all who travel in the course forth.

Be refreshed awhile at some, or stay by toll at else.

Fortunate arrive in good time; But my other siblings,

Shove and give no measure yet to minor repose.

Though heavenly beings observe and often aid through;

Profane will (liberty) reigns, arousing slumberness, sluggishness and gluttony.

For many chose right, yet perceived not truth of what received.

Vaguely accepting fractional, sacrificing eternal.

Besides, gave no watch to scroll that wrought.

Ignorant rooted within, possessed amensal upon shelter.

The wise passed to resolve leisure, punctually read the scroll;

Gave care to the ways of minute ant. Haste they made saying with great faith,

“Invited are many, chosen few. Praise God for I am one amongst!”

I beheld them running zealously, until my eyes could no longer espy.

  • -NERRY




Proudly a Christian | amateur writer yet | will be indulged in some plot writings soon.