How to Master Your Mind: A 15-Minute Daily Practice for Success

2 min readDec 7, 2023
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So, I just stumbled upon this eye-opening article by Eve Arnold, and oh my, did it hit me in the feels. She talks about how she doesn’t let her emotions dictate her day.

Instead of succumbing to the blues or stress that might make you want to avoid everything — writing, walking, eating, you name it — she lets those feelings exist but doesn’t let them run the show.

So, the takeaway? Let your feelings be, acknowledge them, and then move on to the good stuff in your life — the things that bring you joy and productivity.

It’s like that line from a movie, “Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink.” Self-pity is a dead-end street, a detour from your path to a kick-ass day.

So, make peace with your feelings, have a little self-talk, and get on with it. That mindset really struck a chord with me and got me thinking about how I can make my days more productive.

Now, what prompted me to write this? Well, I was watching this webinar of Tim Denning about selling through social media.

They dished out a cool recipe: set a 15-minute alarm, write, and then post whatever you’ve got on your preferred platform — LinkedIn, Medium, you name it.

