How I fell in love with MUJI!

Neslihan Caliskan
5 min readAug 8, 2019

I was really struggling with money last year, so I did not enjoy the benefits of living in Milan, Italy the fashion capital of the world. I was not able to enjoy 2018, since I had to study a lot and financial pressures decreased my overall enjoyment as I only thinking about my responsibilities and spending limits (see my Studying Abroad is not as Glamourous as You Think article). However, this summer I went to Italy after not being there for some months, I happened to be visiting in the season of SALE.

I didn’t realize at the time, but Milan seemed a lot more chaotic and vibrant compared to my previous experiences in the city. The summer sale season starts around July and ends around the last week of August and most of the retailers offer great discounts, usually around 40 to 50 percent off. I found things that I didn’t buy when they were expensive, and I didn’t know even the big-name brands go for sale in this magnitude. Now I know why people from all around the world come to Milan during summer season, it’s not just great for sightseeing and experiencing the Italian culture but is also great for shopping.

However, since I am trying to adopt a minimalist lifestyle, I did not buy things that I didn’t need. I usually go out for shopping maybe once or twice a year and try to not get influenced by the social media to constantly buy new items. This time though, I stumbled upon a brand that I did not know much about. This brand called MUJI is a Japanese retailer that offers a wide variety of goods from household goods to stationary to furniture to clothing.

Muji’s philosophy is to use only high quality and minimalistic products that shy away from excessive packaging and branding that comforts the consumers.

When I walked in through their store, I realized how comforting the designs of everyday items can be and it made me rethink the values I put in the things I have in my house. Anything that has excessive packaging is an eyesore and I believe it greatly effects our mood.

Even the way their stores are designed is soothing with Celtic music playing in low volume. The colors that the brand uses are not too distracting, and I found these colors stress-reducing. Some of these colors are very natural such as cream and grey. I know how silly it sounds, but their products changed the way I view quality. Quality for Muji comes from reducing decoration as much as possible, only focusing on core functionalities and user-friendliness. Unfortunately, any brand in comparison fails short on providing some sort of actual style and philosophy that I can improve my life with.

Some of the items that show the colors of Muji

On top of the design, the quality of the products is stunning. They use organic cottons that refer to raw cotton naturally grown in healthy soil that has not used pesticides and chemical fertilizers for more than 3 years. The brand’s main aim is to continue to improve the way people live (and profit in the process of course).

At the time, I was already sick of finding low quality items with unnecessary higher prices such as in Zara or Mango. I prefer to wear the same clothes for a long time as a person that loves order and routine.

I went to all the Muji branches in Milan as each of them provided different discounts. I would like to share what were my favorite products.

Basic Dress

As a Clinical Psychologist, I have to look good but not too distracting. I wanted to buy dresses that make me look stylish but not distracting at the same time and make me feel comfortable during my therapy sessions. Muji has just the dresses I was looking for and I wanted to buy every single one! When I came to my senses, I just picked two dresses that are very high quality one of them being made of only organic cotton and the other being linen. Since, they were on sale, I only paid about 35 euros (approximately 40$).

These neck pillows were only 2 euros.

I am planning to get married in the future and Muji has a lot of household stuff that can be used for a long time. I believe that people should not shy away from spending for quality cosmetic products and the things their skin contacts with every day such as duvet covers. We spend a lot of time in our beds and being truly relaxed with colors and design, we can get rest much better.

I was shocked that these duvet covers were only 5 euros each and I bought 4 of them!

Cosmetics are also very important as we need to take care of our skin and Muji has a great selection of items that are very simple yet useful.

Rather than focusing on many different products for skin, they provide few products that actually work!

Muji also has slippers that are so cute and comfortable. My boyfriend has been using them and could not shut up about it. Now I know why.

Some of the color variations of their simple slippers

Some of the slippers are so comfortable with an arched support that respects the natural shape of the foot by using the same type of insoles using in shoes. One of my friends is actually considering wearing a sandal-like variation in her neighborhood.

I have never been to type that raves about brands, but Muji is really something else. In a few months I will be going to Japan for the first time, and I learned that in Japan Muji has much more to offer, even in pre-packaged food!

