Are You Cracking Jokes At Someone Else’s Expense?
Well cut it out
Hey Asshole! Yeah, I’m talking to you. Do you like to put down others? Make someone the butt of the joke? Do you think it’s funny to put someone down for just being themselves? Maybe they got a little too excited about the story they were telling and you thought it was lame, maybe they were really enjoying themselves and decided to cut loose and you saw that as a threat.
They believed they were in a safe environment to be themselves. They were already insecure about their laugh before you pointed it out. They were already conscious about their stuttering before you said anything. Sure they might have been laughing a bit too hard, and maybe you think their interests are quirky.
However, it doesn’t give you the permission to put them down and have everyone laugh at them. There isn’t anything wrong with that person, it’s what’s wrong with you. You can’t let people be themselves, and even more importantly you have to project your insecurities onto someone else.
You think you’re being funny, you think that we don’t see right through your facade. Well, I’m telling you this, it’s getting old. It’s been old but more importantly, it’s lazy. You’re not funny and it shows in the same jokes you keep telling. Think of something original.
Your jokes are mediocre at best, your cries for attention are pathetic. If you’re going to say God-awful jokes, especially at the expense of others please do us a favor and keep your mouth shut.