Meet Morgan

Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2018


Morgan Sadr-Hashemi is a Development Team Lead at Nested, leading one of our Software Engineer teams and helping to build a great tech team here. He came to Nested after working at BT, is an awesome full stack engineer and likes to build great things for our customers.

Value that we think Morgan personifies:

Do the right thing!

Morgan, what’s in your diary today?

We are an agile software team and we kick off each day with a standup meeting. Then I’m running a mock interview, have a 1:1 with one of the team and a rehearsal for a talk one of the team is doing. Then I’ll spend the afternoon coding on the tickets we have in the sprint. This evening I’m going to a Javascript meet-up.

What’s your favourite part of your job?

Making things better than they were before.

What made you join Nested?

I want to start my own company one day, I had intended to leave my previous role and chase that dream. When writing a business plan for my totally original idea of a more modern estate agent I came across Nested. Decided that I could learn a lot from the founders so I applied.

What’s your most memorable Nested experience to date?

Our first WOW day was great. This is a sort of hackday when the whole company breaks off into groups to create things that lead to a WOW customer experience.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Health and fitness, social time with my partner, family, friends, self improvement and planning for the future, ways to free up more of my spare time through automation for the previous points.

What’s your worst experience with an estate agent / someone buying a house!

Buying a house: +2 months from exchange to completion on a house purchase with no onward chain when I was a first time buyer (honestly don’t remember how long it was but it took ages). Solicitors were dragging their heels. I ended up having the contract on my rented flat expiring and I couldn’t rent it further on a monthly basis so I had to move out to my girlfriends grandparents place for a few weeks.

Estate Agent: Rented a flat from an estate agent in Ipswich who would just never do what we had agreed. We had mice at one point (there was a huge empty column of pipes that ran through the whole building from the ground floor up. Who designed that?) and it took them a week of me calling every day to book an exterminator. They tried to charge me a £90 admin fee when my contract expired, and wanted to take it out of my deposit. I refused to pay given their crappy standard of service. They threatened me with the contract so I told them to show me the clause. I had a copy so I knew they weren’t lying I was just willing to bet they weren’t competent enough to produce it. Sure enough they weren’t and I kept my full deposit.

Check out our other “Meet Nested” posts here and if you want to work with people like Morgan feel free to check out our careers page.



One of the Nested team, working hard to help people sell their homes with certainty