Top Tips Every Real Estate Agent Needs To Know To Succeed

Christ-El Beauvoir Realtor
5 min readAug 25, 2019


Real estate agents can be defined as those individuals who are working under the umbrella of real estate brokers. Legally speaking, the term agent is usually referred to as the relationship between either buyers and sellers, as well as his/her relationship with the real estate salesperson — in short, anyone who has a business between the salesperson and the buyer and/or seller. They are the ones who are considered to be authorized and are given consent to represent their client’s interest. As a real estate agent, your job is to make sure that you provide the assistance that your clients need in terms of leasing lands, renting homes and/or buying and selling homes and other properties.

Other than licensing requirements must be met, one also needs to learn the important real estate laws. Real estate agents do more than just coordinate with buyers, sellers and brokers — they have more responsibilities than that, and these are:

- Help their clients on the mortgage, market pricing, and conditions.
- Give sellers advice on what they can do to improve their homes and make it more attractive to potential buyers.
- Perform market research which involves comparing different properties for competitive and fair market prices.
- Curate a list of homes for sale for their buyers to help them choose properties according to their needs and budget.
- Assist both buyers and sellers during the transaction.
- Manage contact lists.
- Stand as a mediator between seller and buyer.
- Collate, prepare and submit required documentation, including previous contracts.
- Provide sellers the list of current offers for them to consider.
- Advertise properties through different listings, and open houses.
- Show potential buyers the properties.
- Look for clients that may be willing to rent or sell their properties.
- Must be up to date with the current real estate trends.
- Must be able to work with the clients’ schedule, even if it means working at night or during weekends.

Don’t worry — while the list may seem lengthy, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you’ll be able to fulfill all of your duties. These things will also help you in jumpstarting your career as a real estate agent:

SOI or Sphere of Influence

One of the most popular ways of generating new leads and connecting with a new network of people is through the SOI or sphere of influence business model. This strategy mainly focuses on the people that you already know. They can be your friends, family, colleagues, business associates, service providers, sports team members, or your neighbors. Keep track of their names and you may want to use a spreadsheet — an Excel spreadsheet or Google spreadsheet may be a good place to start. In your database, including their name, contact number, and email address.

As soon as you’re done with your SOI database, use this same spreadsheet whenever you meet new people and contacts. Whether it’s from a community event, or through mutual people that you know. The main point of having this database is you’d like to grow it — the more people that you know, the more people that you’ll be able to meet through referral, the better. The next thing that you can do is to plan your “new agent” announcement. It could be through the form of a call, text message, or email — depending on your contact. You can do this at the beginning of your career, and send these announcements periodically to remind the people within your database about your career and your real estate services,

Develop a Professional Image

As a real estate agent, your professional image matters a lot. These things could reflect through your:

Appearance — Do not wear clothing that’s too tight or revealing. Wear something appropriate for the office.

One-on-One Meetings — Try to show more attentiveness and this can also be projected through your eye contact and body language. Be courteous and engaging.

Take Advantage of Marketing Materials — Whenever you’re posting listings or advertising your service, pay attention to your grammar and spelling. Write compelling copies, and make sure to use good quality photos.

Phone Calls — Whenever you make your phone call, remember to be courteous, engaging and you should be able to articulate the reason for the call.

Online Presence — Plan your website, be on social media and be mindful of your text. It should always be free from typographical and grammatical errors.

Utilize Tools and Technology

Along with personal development, making use of tools and technology also plays a crucial role, and they usually go hand in hand. Real estate agents these days can take advantage of these tools in organizing and in helping them manage their real estate business, including:

Contact Management

You need to keep track of your clients. If you haven’t been doing this, then this is the perfect time to start doing so. As mentioned earlier, prepare a spreadsheet for your database, or, you can look for other database systems that are specifically created for real estate professionals like you. These premium or commercial systems may offer different benefits such as the ability to automatically synchronize your contacts from your smartphone. Regardless if you’re using a spreadsheet or a specialized system, make sure that you keep it updated — add, edit or remove contacts whenever possible.

Real Estate Agent Websites

Consider this as your own business, and as a business owner, you’d want to establish your domain name. If you don’t have any idea on how this works, this isn’t as complicated as it sounds. These days, developing and maintaining a business website isn’t that hard, not to mention, it’s cost-effective too.

Your website will serve as your landing page — somewhere you can send your clients too, and a page where they can see what you’re offering. This also makes it easier for your potential clients to search for you. Additionally, from your website, you can also add the available properties that you have for sale — your seller clients will like it! Then make the most out of it — link your website to social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and other social media platforms, visit Nest Findr Real Estate Agents.

Marketing Software

You can look for various marketing software applications that can make your marketing campaigns easier. Some of these may include templates you can use for your postcards, business cards, social media headers and banners, flyers, email campaigns, brochures, etc. All of these can help you in effectively reaching out to your potential clients.

Mobile Apps

There are various iOS and Android-based apps that can also help you stay connected even if you’ve stepped out of your office. For instance, the House Hunter App allows real estate agents to compare and scour for different homes to help you identify the best properties for your clients’ needs. Another helpful app is the Home Pro, which is compatible with an iPad. This helps you run an open house from your device, lets you follow up with your leads, create listings and even export database and other information.


It’s challenging to work as a real estate agent — but it can be rewarding at the same time. You get paid per commissions, which means you have to exert more effort to ensure you’ll close sales. But if done right, it can be financially and professionally rewarding. Make use of your SOI, project your professional image and make use of the available tools and technology in the real estate industry to help you build a thriving real estate career.



Christ-El Beauvoir Realtor

Nest Findr Real Estate Agents make finding your dream home easy, fun, and relaxing — you’ll wonder why you waited this long. https://nestfindrrealestateagents.