What does the AWS Architect certification entail? Certification training for AWS architects

2 min readJan 6, 2022

The AWS architect certification is one of the most critical and well-recognized cloud computing credentials available today. Netcom Learning established this cloud architect certification program for anyone interested in learning about the essential components of Amazon.com Web Provider (AWS). After completing the training course, you’ll be prepared to take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect qualification test at the associate level.

The AWS architect certification course and what AWS Architect certification comprises are examined and described in this post.

Certification as an AWS Solutions Architect

The AWS architect certification course provides:

  • A thorough understanding of the AWS cloud.
  • Focusing on AWS products such as Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  • Identity and Access Administration (IAM).
  • EC2
  • S3

These services will help you understand how AWS handles networking, data storage, security, and processing capabilities.

The following are some of the topics covered in the AWS architect certification course:

  • How do you use cutting-edge technology to deploy and build reliable AWS apps?
  • Create a solution that follows architectural guidelines.

The suggesting list of knowledge shows below:

  • Prior experience with storage, data sources, calculation, and networking services is required.
  • You can decide which choice best fulfills each person’s demands.
  • You must be able to both maintain and deploy solutions.
  • Confirm capabilities through certification.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of AWS advancements by architecting and implementing secure and robust applications.
  • Specify a solution employing architectural layout principles based on the client’s requirements.
  • Throughout the task’s life cycle, provide the firm with implementation help based on best practices.

