Nature, Environment and Us

nethu nishadi
3 min readSep 13, 2023


After the adoption of a resolution presented to the united Nation Conference held in Sweden in 1972, the beginning of the celebration of world environment day takes place. Since then, world environment day is celebration on 5th June every year. In front of the needs of 07 billion people living in the world, man will be further away from nature. Sri Lanka, which had a well-known name all over the world as a country with few natural disasters has become a victim of that beautiful nature as never before in history. Nature is providing answers to man who opposes nature. Sun, moon, sky, Earth, Great Ocean, are the main elements of nature. All that is built in this nature are ecosystems. It is from that environment that life is given to humans and animals. Humans, animals and all animal are born exist and perish using nature and the environment in accordance with the lows of nature. Humans and animal, a like should accept nature but there are times when some people get hurt in their efforts to oppose nature. Mountains, River, Ravines, Slopes, Tress, Rocks, and fourlegged animals are environmental gifts.

There are many animals who are starving because a tree grows. And the forest with the roots of the trees also provides security for their livelihoods and freedom. If the animal that lives with the roots of a tree shows respect to that tree. Lord Buddha preached the Dharma to the three worlds by equating the processes of nature.

That’s why he preached the doctrine of “Uthpada Thithi Bhanga” to the world because of the natural phenomena of creation, existence and destruction. But most people do not care about nature and environment. A man of intelligent and observation should direct his sympathetic attention to the leaves of the tree. How mush food is provided based on trees and vines? Medicines for sickness and sarrow are procured from the trees and vines? The clean breath that we get is also provided by nature. What other things are more suitable to clean the mind and soothe the mind than natural trees and forests? It is correct to call the destroyers of the valuable natural resources as cynics. Free animals in the forest get the first right to produce fruit pods on a particular tree. You have heard that bees, wasps, butterflies, etc…. Which are drawn to the flowers, give great supports to the pollination of crops. Meanwhile please pay attention to the rituals of the trees in the forest. It is a wonderful natural process. The fruits twings and tubers of the tree are given to various animal for food without any complaint. The tress kindly offers to provide shade in any from in the long term, part time, temporary etc…. Only the media can fulfill the task of educating the people by understanding such values. This is a moment when the country needs a media art that understands the social mission aside from commercial media goals.

