Bridging the gap between eCommerce and Consumer Trust

2 min readJun 12, 2018


In emerging markets, despite the advancement in Financial technology, and the constant rise of financial service providers, cash is still king. According to a report released by NIBSS, the total cash withdrawals on ATMs across the country was over NGN1 Trillion. For eCommerce, Cash has totally dominated its market with alot of customers preferring to Pay On Delivery for goods and services and this has been a bane for ecommerce merchants both big and small.

Scouring through the internet one would be inundated with articles calling for the “Death” to the Pay on Delivery model with very convincing points, however like any business, the customer is still king. He determines the “tune (of) play and how you play” as an eCommerce merchant. Some eCommerce merchants have tried to dictate how consumers pay them, however they have gotten their fingers burnt in the process and the major reason for this is that consumers don’t want to be at the mercy of eCommerce merchants.

Now comes the cross-roads eCommerce merchants are faced with, in a country like Nigeria where about 50% of the population has access to the internet and are scouring on a daily basis for deals on goods and services on the internet, the need to perfectly standout amongst the ever increasing flurry of eCommerce merchants is inundating.

In a bid to fully serve the customer, there is a need for eCommerce merchants to completely bridge the gap between consumer trust and profitability of their businesses. This we believe would mark the turning point in accelerating the “death” of the cash/pay on delivery model and fully move us to a truly cashless society.

Recently, we published , Its our belief that adopting the Debit On Delivery model for eCommerce merchants would not only be profitable to merchants but also drive consumer trust for merchants whom have adopted this model.

We understand that needs vary and a one-size fits all will not suffice for our market, we have carefully implemented other features that solves some of the most pertinent issues a Merchant faces in emerging markets. Besides DoD for eCommerce transactions, we have also introduced B2B Payment solutions to facilitate easy trade between merchants and their upstream customers, we have tokenized features to handle recurring payment for billers and simple Paylink for SMEs who predominantly sell through Social Media channels.

So whatever you sell, however you choose to sell, adopting the Debit On Delivery model, and other features on NetPlusPay is pretty simple, just visit our Merchant platform NetPlus to get started.

About NetPlusPay

NetPlusPay is our Merchant Services Platform that allows Merchants accept local and international debit & credit cards from their customers.

With easy plugins and APIs for quick and reliable integration, merchants can take advantage of our multi-currency Local & International debit/credit card processing as well as our recurring payments features which works seamlessly with all local & internationals banks, to offer a superior service to her customers.




We are a merchant services company providing global technology solutions in local markets for e-commerce, and e-payments.