Tips for Emerging NFT Artists & Musicians

4 min readMar 29, 2022


NFT Marketplace Development

An NFT artist whose Lux Cards collection just reached a market worth of 310 ETH (almost half a million US dollars at the time of writing) produced one of the most popular news stories. The current set of his glossy, mesmerizing 3D cards, which had a chameleon perched on top of each one as a nod to a prominent bitcoin rating website, sold out in less than 30 seconds.

In just a few months, the pseudonymous designer has established his strong and instantly identifiable brand (with an active Lux community) by combining his artistic vision and marketing know-how (10 years of expertise in the design sector have undoubtedly played a factor).

As a result, it was only natural to invite Lux Expression to share his knowledge on how to develop successful NFT collections, promote art, and form meaningful relationships with collectors. So, whether you’re a fledgling NFT artist thinking about going full-time or someone set to mint their first piece, here are five pointers to assist you in better grasping the booming of the industry with a White-Label NFT Development Company.

1. Make an impression that is one-of-a-kind and memorable.

“On NFT markets, there’s a lot of noise, and even the most skilled artists might be lost if their work doesn’t capture the eye straight away.” Given the saturation of the NFT industry, even the most skilled or technically adept artists might go overlooked.

Fortunately, there’s a problem that can be solved. The art pieces themselves are the foundation of any art collection, so make sure they’re one-of-a-kind. The main thing is to make sure your work is unique or sticks out in some manner, whether it’s via the use of eye-catching graphic components or even music.

The peripheral parts of your NFT are equally crucial, since they may help it stand out from the crowd. These mostly consist of the title and description of your work. “The name of your NFT, the description, and any other elements that go along with it when you’re presenting it are all quite crucial,” Lux Expression said.

Finally, it is critical to maintaining consistency. A simple look through Rarible will reveal that artists that employ similar color palettes and design components stand out the most. While marketing is beneficial, your work must eventually be able to sell itself.

2. Involve Your Audience

Consider each piece or collection as a conversation between you and your audience. People are more likely to collect art that speaks to them, therefore the message that runs through your works might be vital in persuading your consumers to buy. The technique to elicit an emotional response from your audience is to use your work to reference real-life events and experiences. Lux Expression used several of his Lux Cards series to commemorate important industry anniversaries, like PayPal’s entry into the crypto realm. The artist increased the collectability of his NFTs by including a bit of history in the artwork.

3. Understand how to use social media to market yourself

Your best buddy is social media. You may obtain additional visibility for your work by using Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Discord, Reddit, Telegram (and even Clubhouse lately!).

Lux Expression reflected on his early days in the industry during the Q&A session. He was studying certain painters at the time who appeared to be skilled but weren’t getting much attention. He quickly discovered that their biggest source of failure was social networking.

You can take a page from Lux Expression’s book if you’re seeking some ideas.

One of the first features he added to the Lux ecosystem was a virtual gallery dubbed “Lux Vault” in Crypto Voxels. Members of the Lux community can send their NFT to the vault, and if it is accepted by the community, it will be published on Lux Expression’s Twitter account and shown in the gallery, giving them a significant boost and assisting in the sale of their first pieces.

4. Immerse yourself in NFT

The high learning curve associated with NFTs is typical of such a cutting-edge idea. Hire NFT Marketplace Services from a reputable company as the immersion in the community of NFTs is one of the greatest ways to learn about it, and there are plenty of individuals ready to help you navigate the blockchain maze. “Being active on communication sites like Discord early on was incredibly useful for me Rarible Discord is pretty busy and there are a lot of collectors on there.”

5. Maintain a humble attitude

Be modest and disciplined if you’re just starting started in the NFT space. You’ve probably heard a few rags-to-riches stories of people who made a fortune selling collectables, but remember that becoming a great NFT artist or trader involves skills, knowledge, and perseverance above all things. We must recognize that, as artists, we are working for individuals who believe in us and our collections.

You may avail splendid NFT Marketplace development services, Hire NFT Marketplace Developer from NetSet. The established firm has been building customized marketplaces at a reasonable price to offer seamless buying, selling, minting and auctioning of NFTs. For additional information, do visit NetSet at, send an email to




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