I meet with Thomas Gravesen in Vejle in February 2016

Be careful what you wish for…

4 min readJun 26, 2017

..You might get it.

It is a great saying that I believe in. You can go around wishing: “If only I had that, then…” where you have some thoughts about how your conditions will improve, if only you had this or that.

Many people live their life in such a manner, where they excuse the imperfection of their current life based on some lack of something or some condition in their life: “If only I had a new car, I would not need to…” and so on.

The saying says that things might not improve if your “wish” would fulfill. I see this as due to the fact that it is impossible to know what side effects a change in condition will have. History have many examples of good intentions going wrong based on the unseen side effect of a wished condition. Many wars have perhaps been won, but the effect on the condition as the enemy had been defeated could not be foreseen.

The other part of the saying

There is another — you may say side effect — of this saying which is what I want to share my thoughts about here:

You can actually affect the future condition of your life, if you are focused on the wanted condition.

What do I mean? Can I think something and it will then magically become the new condition of my life? No, and yes.

In my life I have sometimes experienced that I felt some new condition as the most logical and right future condition in my life. You may also call that feeling a kind of wish. I felt that “Of cause this will be happening!” — feeling it very strongly and then to see it actually occur in the future.

Story 1: The soldering iron in Lisbon

A soldering iron

When I was young I traveled Europe using Interrail. A travel package which allowed you freely to use all train networks in Europe. Me and two friends had done it before, but this time we brought with us a ghettoblaster. An accident in Hamburg broke it. All the way from Hamburg to Lisbon (Portugal) I sad in the train and tried to fix it. I succeeded — but to make it perfect I needed a soldering iron.

A clear thought (vision, belief) appeared in my mind that when I saw a certain shop in Lisbon, they would have a soldering iron for me to use to fix the ghettoblaster. It did not make sense, why would someone in a street shop have a soldering iron ready to use!?

As we arrived at the train station in Lisbon, many streets opened for us — say 8 different directions to choose from. I felt for one of them and we went that way. As we walked the street, suddenly I got a strong feeling that “That is it!” as I saw an anonymous shop. We entered the shop and I asked if they had a soldering iron I could use (A very strange question, as this was not in any way a shop of electronics). They did!

How could that happen? I got my “wish” fulfilled as I felt deeply and without no doubt, that that condition was one for me. I got what I wished for.

Story 2: The famous football player

Once in my life I decided to travel here in Denmark to the city of Vejle. Many things can be said about that city, one of which (not know to all) is that it is origin of a famous danish football player Thomas Gravesen. He did not live in Vejle at the moment, in fact he lived in the US.

Before I went to Vejle I had the strange feeling that I would meet him. I even said that “perhaps we will meet Thomas Gravesen, as he was born in Vejle”. I smiled, but still felt that should we not meet him, it would be a strange thing.

On our way home, still in Vejle, I started to feel unfomfortly: “Why have we not seen Thomas Gravesen?!”. My daughter wanted to enter a shop selling perfume, I followed her in there — and then I saw Thomas Gravesen! I asked him for a selfie together with him, and I got the best impression of him. He seemed like a very kind person. I talked with him, asking him if he still lived in Vejle: No, no — I live in US, and am only here for a short visit.

Thomas Gravesen in the Real Madrid period

What a coincidence! But I had felt and wished for the condition to arise. It was on a deep felt level, so — I got what I had wished for.

Many more times

I have experienced this many more times. If you deeply wish for something to happen it will, but also: Be careful what you wish for, you might get it. Do you know this experience from your life? Please share them in a comment.




Keywords: Open minded, cross-think. Able to see soloutions from one area being usefull in another area. Please inspire me! :-)