Hotwife Hubby
4 min readJun 28, 2023

The Anklet Abacus: Keeping Count of a Hotwife’s Lovers

Most people are aware of the symbolism of the Hotwife anklet (if not, see my “tools of the trade” essay). The innocent, delicate gold chain that dangles just above the right foot of the married but available Hotwife. It’s always a thrill to see Miranda don one. A clear symbol to me, and anyone else in the know, that she’s open to playing that day. It just sits there, dangling like bait in the water for prospective nibbles, and a flirtatious torture for her devoted husband. One day recently Miranda was sitting poolside, anklet drawing the eyes to her wine stain red toenails, and observed “that anklet down there is your collar, isn’t it”. She was right. I’m always on my best behavior when she breaks out that specific item of jewelry. It serves as an unmistakable symbol of my devotion to her sexual freedom.

One anklet in her collection, however, has a very different use and meaning. We have one that we specifically use to keep count of Miranda’s sexual exploits. Now I fully admit that, it seems, the compulsion of “keeping count” runs on the masculine DNA chromosomes. For my Hotwife, at least, she’s too busy savoring recent experiences (or setting up the next one) to worry about little details like keeping count. But that’s what a husband is for.

I’m sure there are numerous ways that keeping count occurs within relationships. For us, we have an anklet that was specifically designed by the VixenAndStag Etsy shop for this purpose. It features a blue bead right in the middle which represents my place in her sexual history. To the right of the blue bead is a series of smaller beads that represent all of Miranda’s lovers before we met. To the left are beads that represent the lovers that she’s taken in the time since. One bead per lover, not per occurrence.

The anklet sits on a display just above my work-from-home desk. Always just sitting there, ready to tempt me into a quick mental break from the workday. Each bead either a symbol of an amazing memory or a reminder of the rich experiences she brought into our relationship.

How we keep count.

Maintenance of the anklet is my job. I go out to the garage, find the needle nose plyers, and carefully attach a bead after each new lover with the reverence the encounter deserves. It’s a moment of Zen and respect for me. A small celebration of my Hotwife’s sexuality. An unnecessary ceremony for her perhaps, but she humors me as the symbolic value of the anklet plays a role in keeping our commitment to each other front and center. A think a part of her also likes to see the visual leveling up as she grows in her Hotwife experiences and expertise. Each bead represents the growth that she undertook to get to where we are today; the empty lengths of chain symbolic of growth opportunities yet to come.

We’ve had the anklet abacus for a few years now. It appeared after her first solo encounter with a new man. It has since noted when the number of lovers before me matched the number after me. It helped us celebrate when the number after me grew greater than those who came before me. It gives weight to the path we have decided to travel, with the blue bead as a steady anchor as the smaller beads propagate around it.

For us, keeping count adds to the fun. The visual representation of her body count reminds both of us how much pleasure we’ve shared, even when life is getting in the way of adding new beads. For me, seeing the number of beads grow is a special thrill. It’s a reminder, each time I look up from my desk, that I’m actually married to an amazing Hotwife. It’s not some wild dream or fantasy. Each bead is an actual individual lover. A moment of bravery and pleasure for my wife. She really did it. She earned each bead.

Occasionally, at random times, the anklet catches my eye and the weight of the beads hit me. The reality of how much energy and passion they represent. Each one its own story and unique connection. I dwell for a moment on the number of lovers she has taken. How many are yet to come. And I find myself immediately turned on by the thought. Turned on by her. I have to pinch myself before returning my attention to my computer.

I plan to update that anklet with new beads for a long time to come. The only question is what we’ll do when there is no longer room for new beads. That will be a fun bridge to cross when we get there!

Hotwife Hubby

Monogamous man happily married to his perfect Hotwife. Living in the Pacific Northwest and documenting his journey through a female-led one-way open marriage.