JavaScript Weekend List #08

Alex Bachuk
JavaScript Weekend List
2 min readMay 15, 2017

There is more good stuff coming from Zeit folks. Next.js is getting better and faster every day. Reminds me of Meteor.js ;) ES6 modules finally landed in Chrome.

1. Build Yourself a Redux

Start from scratch and build a working Redux implementation. Our implementation won’t cover every nuance, but we’ll remove most of the mystery.

2. What You Should Know About ES6 Maps

Maps are designed as an alternative to using Object literals for storing key/value pairs that require unique keys, and provide very useful methods for iteration.

3. 45% Faster React Functional Components, Now

Directly calling functional components as functions instead of mounting them using React.createElement is much faster. You can do so today in JSX

4. Elements of JavaScript Style

Some great tips on JavaScript best practices. These guidelines have stood the test of time for good reason: They’re usually right. Deviate from them only for good reason — not simply on a whim or a personal style preference.

5. Understanding Node.js Event-Driven Architecture

Node.js is kind of different from a traditional server side programming language. If you’re working with node.js a lot it’s very important to understand the basics of the runtime.

6. Zeit created “pkg” which compiles Node.js app into single binary

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