JavaScript Weekend List #12

Alex Bachuk
JavaScript Weekend List
3 min readSep 10, 2017

The summer is over and JavaScript Weekend List is back in action. I’m planning to move it from medium and build a custom website to have more control. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Meanwhile, signup for the mailing list to stay up to date. No spam, just JavaScript news and content.

1. Two-Factor Authentication with Node.js

Passwords can be guessed, phone numbers can be spoofed, but using two-factor authentication essentially requires that user be in possession of a physical device with an app like Google Authenticator, loaded with a secret key for the given app, which provides an extra layer of security.

2. GraphQL schema stitching

I attended the meetup event in NYC (at Priceline) where Sashko Stubailo announced this feature. Was great to meet fellow Ukrainian in-person :)

GraphQL really shines when you have all of your data in one schema, and you can make a single request to an API to get everything you need. It’s already easy to create a GraphQL API that calls into multiple data sources, for example databases or REST APIs.

3. How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code

Very important to understand how stuff works under the hood to make you a better driver. V8 engine powers node.js, understanding V8 basics will make you a better Node developer.

4. Building a Serverless E-Commerce App with AWS Lambda, Stripe and React

Serverless and AWS Lambda are one of the hot technologies today. Building new apps with these technologies just makes sense, especially for high volume apps.

5. All the fundamental React.js concepts, jammed into this single Medium article

It’s all about JavaScript, components, JSX, events, state, props and few other things ;)

6. Webpack tips for reducing JavaScript bundle size

7. User Authentication For Web And iOS Apps With AWS Cognito (Part 1)

Authentication is needed for majority of all web or mobile applications. Creating authentication from scratch is not only hard but not smart thing to do even if you can. It’s recommended to use proven solution because users privacy and security can be compromised.

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