The Use Of Learning Management Systems In The Classroom

Alex Bachuk
3 min readApr 2, 2016


Learning Management Systems (LMS) are being used in thousands of classrooms across the United States. As these systems of organization and learning are implemented by educators and used by students, the process of education is being dramatically altered.

There are several types of LMS’s available for school administrators to choose from. These systems include; ClassMate, Blackboard, Moodle, Edmodo, and Google Classroom. Each systems offers its own unique approach to organizing classroom communication via technology.

Choosing a system that works for a particular educational environment can be confusing, costly and time consuming.

Choosing a system that works for a particular educational environment can be confusing, costly and time consuming. It is important for each school district to define and consider what the immediate needs of their teachers and students are. Many systems offer basic programs that allow teachers and students to disseminate assignments, coordinate research and turn in a finished product. Other systems offer far more options for classroom organization and learning.

It is helpful to include a variety of school professionals in selecting a LMS for their districts so that various needs can be taken into consideration. School districts should also take a proactive approach in vetting the venders available to them by asking a variety of questions and attending demonstrations by each service provider. If the vendor will allow it, districts should have both students and staff pilot the program.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are being used in thousands of classrooms across the United States

This experimental period will allow for students and teachers to experience the positive and negative aspects of the system they are considering. If a neighboring district is using the same system, it can be very helpful for the district considering the system to speak with a current user to see how successful their implementation and use has been. It is important to evaluate the total cost of the system to the school district as compared to just the cost to own it. The relationship that a district forms with their LMS provider is one that is significant and often entered into for a lengthy period of time. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the value of the system and the nature of the district’s ongoing relationship with the vendor.

The skills and experiences provided by implementing an LMS in the classroom prepares our young minds for their future education and their entry into a world that is increasingly organized and advancing via technology.

Once a system had been chosen the advantages to students and teachers is significant. The LMS system allows for teachers and students to put all of their work in one central system. Students can then share their work with each other allowing them to collaborate on their assignments from both school and home. Teachers can easily review and distribute assignments to students regardless of their physical location. While there can be some learning curve with regard to the technology, it is usually found that teachers and students of all technological backgrounds can learn to use the system proficiently. Once everyone is working efficiently with the LMS system the process of collaborating and interfacing the entire classroom is achievable.

The use of an LMS in the classroom is revolutionizing the way in which children learn and teachers organize, communicate, and coordinate their classrooms. These systems are allowing for collaborative learning, cooperative problem solving, and ongoing team building experiences for both educators and students. The skills and experiences provided by implementing an LMS in the classroom prepares our young minds for their future education and their entry into a world that is increasingly organized and advancing via technology.

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